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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Went to carry on in the garage getting it set up as a workshop. Thought to do some hovering so got the Henry hoover going and it just wasn't doing so well. Opened it up to check the issue as the hose was clear and there was a flaming family of mice in there! Looking a bit pink from the brick dust admittedly but when you see the little so and sos with goggles and dust masks on its a bit worrying....LOL

So on a more serious note beware the mice people, I am off to set a bunch of traps with peanut butter, it's lethal.

Was back out checking the model to get the right dust bags and the penny dropped that they had been using the hose to gain access. Cosy or what?

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Caught 7 in the loft in the last 3 weeks.... coming in off the fields, bet they wish they hadn't now....lol

Chocolate spread also very good bait
Peanut butter.... lethal as is smoked sausage. Mathesones. Used to take dozens in the supers store reeking of heather honey.

I have a rat in my loft - never seen mice poos that big! Not a nice thought and I don't know how it's got in.
Will be buying traps and peanut butter tomorrow.....
Secure the trap lest it catch and walk, seen it before. Both expensive and VERY smelly. ;)

I have a rat in my loft - never seen mice poos that big! Not a nice thought and I don't know how it's got in.
Will be buying traps and peanut butter tomorrow.....

Check your air bricks ... rats can get through a hole the size of your thumb, once into the cavity it's an easy route to the loft. They are also very good climbers .. anything that they can climb up to roof level and get in through the eves.

They really are a pest if they get in your loft .. they will chew wiring, plastic pipes, and the mess they leave behind stinks .. there's credence to the expression you can smell a rat.

One thing worse though ... squirrels. Had a heck of a job last year .. they were climbing up a Victoria creeper and chewing through the soffit boardsa and getting in to our loft. They were easy to catch with a humane trap and some bait .. chocolate seemed to work best - sadly they seem to pass their tricks on to the rest of the family.
Had a problem in the garage a couple of years ago and after catching around 30 mice in one week i got sick and poisoned them with proper stuff..

I consider myself as do others fairly good at catching things that are vermin and to be honest it makes no difference what you put in them little mouse traps..if they are finely tuned and put in the right place you do not even need to bait them..however if i where to bait the traps in a place where i could not make a tunnel run my bait of choice is a chewed up chocolate eclair..it sets hard when cold and is a bugger for mice to steal without triggering the trap..i also make a good live catch trap that can catch up to 20 mice per night and it is deadly effective..when i get two minutes i can knock one up and send pictures if need be..
Had a problem in the garage a couple of years ago and after catching around 30 mice in one week i got sick and poisoned them with proper stuff..

I consider myself as do others fairly good at catching things that are vermin and to be honest it makes no difference what you put in them little mouse traps..if they are finely tuned and put in the right place you do not even need to bait them..however if i where to bait the traps in a place where i could not make a tunnel run my bait of choice is a chewed up chocolate eclair..it sets hard when cold and is a bugger for mice to steal without triggering the trap..i also make a good live catch trap that can catch up to 20 mice per night and it is deadly effective..when i get two minutes i can knock one up and send pictures if need be..

I used to know an old guy who called his ability to put down traps that never failed to trip as "setting them tickle" 🙂
Just watch the raisins if you have dogs around!!!..deadly

Not really that deadly Ian in small quantities ..if you have around 200 traps set with raisins i might have a bum twitch if my pooch is in that area even more so if they have access to a trap that will sting there nose ..
No.....even in very small quantities they can be deadly...your choice!!
No.....even in very small quantities they can be deadly...your choice!!

Had dog's ..many dog's in fact during my short life on this Planet..none have croacked it from eating half a scone or a onion bargie ..i actually trained a terrier once to retrieve when i was at school using currents ..but that was before they became deadly.. he lived to 14yr's old.. if i never give him raisins he may have hit a older age.
Had dog's ..many dog's in fact during my short life on this Planet..none have croacked it from eating half a scone or a onion bargie


trained a terrier once to retrieve when i was at school using currents ..but that was before they became deadly

Lucky noone told him then :D
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Well your a lucky man ours spent 24hrs in the vets after bin diving grapes and a friends puppy died about 3 weeks ago after their 5 year old daughter fed the pup grapes. Grapes currants even in small quantities can be lethal to dogs simple. Plenty of info out there for any who want to do a quick search. Oh and yes I to have had many dogs for many years although not entirely sure what that has to do with it. So just a friendly heads up to any still interested don’t leave any around for the family pooch to pick up. https://www.rover.com/blog/why-dogs-should-never-eat-grapes-in/# There’s about 50 other articles for any who want to check.
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Chocolate is fatal to dogs. One of ours had to have vet treatment after scoffing one chocolate truffle. Beware.

We managed (long story) to have rats under the floorboards in one of our guest rooms and they died there after being poisoned. We had to have the floor boards up and god the stink. A very nasty experience and thankfully no one wrote an on line review, that could well have killed the business.

Chocolate is fatal to dogs. One of ours had to have vet treatment after scoffing one chocolate truffle. Beware.

We managed (long story) to have rats under the floorboards in one of our guest rooms and they died there after being poisoned. We had to have the floor boards up and god the stink. A very nasty experience and thankfully no one wrote an on line review, that could well have killed the business.


Don’t worry a certain forum member trained his whippet to carry a chocolate muffin back from the bakers on fridays with no ill effect for years!!
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Then you can follow the RSPCA recommended method of disposal - pop them in a sack and bludgeon them to death with a piece of 3x2 :D

Unfortunately, yes ... it's illegal to set them free. Can't say I enjoyed it much but the little sods just didn't get the message that our loft was out of bounds. Shot a couple in the cage as well .. very quick death either way.
Don’t worry a certain forum member trained his whippet to carry a chocolate muffin back from the bakers on fridays with no ill effect for years!!

You seem institutionalized in this nanny state we now live in..brain power is the key divider...do what you believe and i will do what i don't believe.