Mated Queens.

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I must remember to squeeze a few when I am out there this afternoon.
You think that helps the queens to mate?

In a "normal" year, you can be pretty sure that drones would be mature by now, so, it wouldn't be necessary.
This year is anything but normal. That's why I recommended it.
I don't think it does people any harm to learn a bit about drone physiology anyway.

In the case of II, it's essential.
cold can affect the migration of sperm.

Use the following technique to test for maturity (

If you see orange tipped cornua and the abdomen contracts and becomes hard, that's a good indication at the partial eversion stage. At the full eversion, you should see cappuccino coloured sperm on a bed of white mucus

I will leave that palava to you and all the kind who like masterbating bees..:spy:.. i will stick with me..:serenade: ..
Looks like today a just mated queen got balled as I opened the hive by the time I rescued her her leg was damaged grrrrr I think there's virgins running around as looks like there was a cell or 2 still capped and several chewed out/hatched makes no sense shouldn't be no capped in there been to long.
Will check next week by adding a fresh frames of eggs if they pull emergency cells.

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