mann lake manners

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I often ask local business men to price match, and they are happy for my custom. One order they did not need to chase for. John Lewis does it!
To be sure I will buy from a supplier more on trust than price, as much as I want them to stay in business, even if their product is a few pennies more!

It gives one a warm feeling inside when you can tell your supplier, I know your product is not the cheapest on the market, but I trust you and your service. In fact sometimes as a regular customer you find you will get a discount without even asking for one!

Was copper wire invented by two beekeepers fighting over a farthing?

"I don't see how that response to a potential customer was in any way a good one"

but you weren't a potential customer unless you were happy to pay more.

It wasn't me, but I don't think your logic is sound.
The person was on the phone to the company, that makes them a potential customer. They were selling kit at a price that was more than their competitor, so they could price match, that would make a customer, provided it didn't negate any profit. The market isn't THAT big that the major companies couldn't price check each other and know their strengths and weaknesses.

If I had a company and my sales force were regularly telling people to stay with a competitor I am not sure I would be too happy!
Been tempted a time or two to tell people to go and buy Txxco honey when they tell me its £1/pound and moan at the cost of ours. Being a very polite person I try to explain the difference but fume inside!!

This has happened to me today, my boss has purchased a lot of honey from me in the past, but his wife, eats a jar in a day, and told me he cannot afford my honey any more for his wife to eat it like that, so today he left me some LIDL honey on my desk, "described as Forest Honey" at £1.75, and he told me I should reduce my prices, as I've got honey at the end of my desk for sale.

I just laughed and said "Enjoy your "Natural Forest Honey!", I asked him which forest and where! - he replied that's a good point it does not say, other than Non-EU sourced!
This has happened to me today, my boss has purchased a lot of honey from me in the past, but his wife, eats a jar in a day, and told me he cannot afford my honey any more for his wife to eat it like that, so today he left me some LIDL honey on my desk, "described as Forest Honey" at £1.75, and he told me I should reduce my prices, as I've got honey at the end of my desk for sale.

I just laughed and said "Enjoy your "Natural Forest Honey!", I asked him which forest and where! - he replied that's a good point it does not say, other than Non-EU sourced!

Dental caries and health costs such as diabetes should be a concern for you boss and his wife rather than the cost of your honey. Guessing a jar a day is 8oz or 12oz and not a tiny jar you get for a hotel breakfast.
When I worked in a shop and a pub in my school days I was told the customer was always right and regardless of what they say and do you should always be polite. Bad staff training or lack of it if you ask me.

What happened to always speak to others as you would like to be spoken to.
I often ask local business men to price match, and they are happy for my custom. One order they did not need to chase for. John Lewis does it!

I actually tried this a number of years ago. Showed them the alternative place selling same item cheaper. The guy scratched his head a bit huffed and puffed and said sorry we cannot match that.

Often these price matching offers are a confidence trick and they can easily get out of it by saying they don't offer this or that so its not exactly the same etc. Must admit that if it was now I would demand to see the manager.

In this case I cannot see anything wrong with them telling you to shop elsewhere as long as its polite.
The customer is not always right; its the most ridiculous statement


Customer to Well known bee breeder 'I want that queen for £10. I've seen them for that price in Greece.'
Well known bee breeder to customer 'Sorry no can do'
Customer to well know bee breeder ' I'm the customer so I am right'
Well known bee breeder to customer ' Oh alright then'

Not likely is it. Why should he sell at that price? The customer is not right always.
Dental caries and health costs such as diabetes should be a concern for you boss and his wife rather than the cost of your honey. Guessing a jar a day is 8oz or 12oz and not a tiny jar you get for a hotel breakfast.

A 12 oz jar!

Yes, I don't even eat that much a day!

I'll mention that to him tomorrow, he says she finds my honey very lovely, great advert, that's why!
I suffer from people who email me about stuff on ebay who appear to be incapable of realising that the information is all written in the ad.
I compare honey to whisky to those questioning cost.

You can buy cheap blended supermarket stuff, but if you want the good stuff you have to pay much more. Amazing how little the average punter knows about the different types, tastes and quality.
I compare honey to whisky to those questioning cost.

You can buy cheap blended supermarket stuff, but if you want the good stuff you have to pay much more. Amazing how little the average punter knows about the different types, tastes and quality.

Single apiary Islay Honey, from native AMMs of course!

I compare honey to whisky to those questioning cost.

You can buy cheap blended supermarket stuff, but if you want the good stuff you have to pay much more. Amazing how little the average punter knows about the different types, tastes and quality.

Nice one; I'll use that in future!!
Tell him to be thankful she just eats honey and doesn't want him to pay for jewellery, fast cars or exotic holidays... :serenade:
I compare honey to whisky to those questioning cost.

You can buy cheap blended supermarket stuff, but if you want the good stuff you have to pay much more. Amazing how little the average punter knows about the different types, tastes and quality.

Alternatively, you could compare honey to oats. If you want to feed your horse with oats, you have to pay the right price. If you don't mind feeding your horse the oats after they've been through somebody else's horse first, it comes a little cheaper!

Alternatively, you could compare honey to oats. If you want to feed your horse with oats, you have to pay the right price. If you don't mind feeding your horse the oats after they've been through somebody else's horse first, it comes a little cheaper!


You feed your horse on oats you'd better be ready for a hectic ride :)
I have all ways had great service with MANN LAKES . but i'm over here maybe that makes a differents .
It wasn't me, but I don't think your logic is sound.
The person was on the phone to the company, that makes them a potential customer. They were selling kit at a price that was more than their competitor, so they could price match, that would make a customer, provided it didn't negate any profit. The market isn't THAT big that the major companies couldn't price check each other and know their strengths and weaknesses.

If I had a company and my sales force were regularly telling people to stay with a competitor I am not sure I would be too happy!

glad to some one has enough insight to see it my way. I have giggled about it and have told lots of my mates how she just floored me. no talk of we are just starting to do bs. nat or we have a sale coming up soon mabey that might suit you. no none of that just bang im floored.
just off the phone to mann lake. what an ignorant person when I pointed out that their item was dearer than my current supplier. (that s all right then you don't have to come to us you can stay with you re current supplier. ) so I thanked her for her forthrightness or ignorance which ever she preferred to call it. b### hell I thought I was bad at business!!!.

The problem with this thread is that you offer no context as to the conversation. Did you call them just to try and barter down the price on one item or was it a possible add-on to a larger order? Do you have a previous order history with them?

Was the person you spoke to really being unhelpful? I'd have thought that being straight and telling you that your best deal is where you're currently purchasing the item from is as honourable a response as anyone could expect.
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