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House Bee
Jun 24, 2017
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West cornwall
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Been offered another site for an apiary so we be looking to expand kit. I normally make my own boxes as I'm in the trade and get hold of it easily but if the price is right!

Basically When's the best times to be buying frames/ boxes, suits, feeders etc. Any annual sales worth waiting worth or just get it as I go?
I've been told Abelo don't have a sale though.
Given there value for money they don't need one. Have a look at the price of their 1st condition frames for example, DN4 pack of 10 for £9.50.
Thornes firsts are £15 for the same frames.
i.e Abelo normal everyday prices are about the same as Thornes sale prices...
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While on the subject what is 3rd grade timber? How bad is it?

They are usually square and straight ie not warped and will fit together fine
However, each box tends to have several gouges/dead knots that will need filling. I find that 2 part woodfiller works best
Been offered another site for an apiary so we be looking to expand kit. I normally make my own boxes as I'm in the trade and get hold of it easily but if the price is right!

Basically When's the best times to be buying frames/ boxes, suits, feeders etc. Any annual sales worth waiting worth or just get it as I go?

WRC Nat broods in Maisemores sale £14.00 2nds bought a pallet load... and the pallet will make a nice stand!

Nos da
I have been looking at there latest sale prices, got to admit I'm tempted to buy a load
Maisemores mail order sales now on. Great value for frames and flat pack boxes/roofs

I nipped down to the Maisemore sale last week to top up with a couple more 14 x 12 BBs, wired QEs, roof etcetera. Generally their seconds are very good value. I have had one or two in the past that needed a little attention so ideal, but far from essential, if you can see before you buy. They say that they will replace anything unfixable, but I have yet to see anything that is not easily fixable.

They are also selling off Dulcofruct candy approaching its sell by date at £1.20 / kg which works out around the same price as bakers' fondant but so, so much easier to store and handle. It is made with inverted sugars so should be better / easier for the bees.
They are also selling off Dulcofruct candy It is made with inverted sugars so should be better / easier for the bees.

Or rather the cupful of syrup added to the powdered sugar to make it into fondant is part invert.
I'm looking for lot boxes, can't make up my mind to buy or build! Just been to the mill yard and it's £3.75 a metre for WRC works out about£1.22 for the side bars on National. But with all the cuts (time) I might be better off buying bulk load of seconds?
I'm looking for lot boxes, can't make up my mind to buy or build! Just been to the mill yard and it's £3.75 a metre for WRC works out about£1.22 for the side bars on National. But with all the cuts (time) I might be better off buying bulk load of seconds?

I make my own normally out of the free wood I get from work, but sometime you can't make it for less once you take account of time to make them. And after a 45hour week my time is expensive :)
I was paying my youngest son as he loves working in the shed with wood. But I had to rush him into hospital and turns out he's type 1 diabetes: ( I'm sure he'll get back in there at some point but right now it's a difficult time.
So I'm stuck with more work than I need lol, hence buy or build? As you say time is extremely costly : )
I was paying my youngest son as he loves working in the shed with wood. But I had to rush him into hospital and turns out he's type 1 diabetes: ( I'm sure he'll get back in there at some point but right now it's a difficult time.
So I'm stuck with more work than I need lol, hence buy or build? As you say time is extremely costly : )

Anything i can make quickly i make myself. ie ply wood Nucs, open mesh floors/ under floor entrance floors/ deep entrance blocks / crown boards and stands, the rest of the hive parts require more time and different power tools, it is much easier just to buy them bits i do not make and it will probably work out the same in cost in the long run.
P.s I hope your Youngen gets well soon.

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