hive in limbo?

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Field Bee
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
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Aim for 4 but tend to end with 15
This hive is giving me headaches. some history: after treating with Maqs queen went of lay and bees made supersedure cells. after a lot of faffing and doing the wrong things (making nuc with the failing queen that absconded but went back in the mother hive) the hive is in continuus supersedure mode. but they make QC and tear them down again before emergence. 4 weeks ago there were so many QCs that I initiated a snelgrove II AS to be sure. after rejoining the queen with the flying bees, they have made supersedure cells again in the AS but no emergency cells in the original hive.

I have now an AS with 3 superboxes of wich 2 have eggs and brood on most frames with some supersedure cells and the original 14x12 with 8 frames of emerging brood but no plans (an now no possiblility) to make a new queen.

what is going on? I will combine this 2 hives but feel I have to wait until the AS bees finally decide on whether to supersede or not.
Sounds familiar, too much interference and not enough patience to allow the bees to sort themselves out. I know this because I've done it myself. You've got a laying queen so a unite is going to be no problem if all is not well with the other colony.
Familiar scenario with my bees this year. Poor weather has to the cause imo? Just where did summer go?
Get yourself a new queen! Existing queen will probably not be good enough to take them through winter and her offspring will be dubious too IMHO.