
Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Hi everyone

Hello thanks for the reply, I have been keeping bee's for three years now and passed my basic last year. I only have three colonies but i hope to increase next year. I belong to Bodmin group and we have a great apiary manager who has been keeping bee's for over fifty years and has over seventy colonies. I started beekeeping after a introduction course by Colin Rees who is now the prsident of the cornwall bka and our group has louis Riley who was the previous president and a wealth of knowledge. I have made a few mistakes along the way but hopefully I have learnt from them,i have seen some beekeepers who just don't understand why things have gone wrong and keep making the same mistakes over and over again. I hope we all get our colonies through this winter and have a great summer next year.
Hi, a bit quiet on the forum ths time of the year but wait until spring!!! Can't get a word in!
Hello from Wales, your in for a Beekeeping experience here, what ever you have read in books forget it....... well most bits
good morning, welcome to the best beekeeping forum ;)
Hi really looking foward to spring,only found out about this forum recently and love it.
Hi Mr. Bumbles,
Welcome to the forum. Fingers crossed for our overwintering bees. In my second year with four colonies and one nuc - all's well so far I think. Had to start again this year. Late swarming last year and virgin did not get mated. Hoping to move to Cornwall in the next few years. Someone told me that Thames Valley is the best climate for beekeeping (not that I have had any honey myself yet) and that you are lucky to get one super in a season in Cornwall. Is that true?
Welcome to the lunatics asylum !

Hope you are keeping native Cornish Black bees !


Now I have to go hide somewhere safe until all the anti Amm brigade vent their spleen on someone actually daring to mention Cornwall's endemic bee on this wonderful forum

Tin hat on !!!!
Hello not sure about the best area to keep bees in Cornwall, I havent had honey yet but that's because i have left it for the bee's and this year there was'nt anything for them with all the rain. I did collect a swarm of dark bee's and they do tend to fly in all weathers so it will be interesting to see how they do next year (I was called out to collect them from a compost bin mid sept). Experianced beekeepers do seem to do well and can have up to 7 supers and we do get an early start here,but and there is always a but it does rain alot and the last 3 years have been the worst that anyone can remember. On the bright side when the sun shines (and it does )there is'nt a better place in the world to keep bees,the local beekeepers are very friendly and always willing to help. If your thinking of moving down here go for it:sunning:
Icanhopit my first two are buckfasts (all i could get at the time)but i do have one hive which is looking very dark and could be cornish blacks,I went to Joe Widicomes talk in February with some members of the Bodmin group with the intention of breeding Native bees for our club but with the weather being the way it was this year we have decided to give it a go next year. If this is the Asylum are we the Lunatics?

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