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Kaz - I beg to differ. I would suggest that these aren't light 'bulbs' at all, by definition. Notwithstanding their ability to indeed emit 'light' it is clear that they are devoid of 'bulbs'. Perhaps this post can be migrated to a forum that is more representatitive of lighting 'tubes'? Wait a minute, I think I may be able to find and post a link.....

Hee heee ;)
Every bulb I buy requires energy to fit it. A proper energy saving bulb would do the housework, cleaning and cooking...thus saving me expend on more important things like drinking and watching TV and ...
We've got a new fangled low energy sun here in Wales. Takes ages to come on in the mornings - no bloody heat at all and we hardly ever see it all day. I think it was fitted in early July. I hope they don't ban the older type - the one we had in spring was much better.
This thread is very funny,thanks Bros for bringing a little humour back to the forum.

I always think a little humour is the best way to cool things down on the forum when threads start to get a little tense.
the only question is, who are George and Neville on the forum?
(the clip takes a few seconds to kick in...... but worth the wait!)
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I always think a little humour is the best way to cool things down on the forum when threads start to get a little tense.

Light hearted humour?
I didn't know there was any etiquette on this forum?
I like the idea of energy saving builbs.

I just wish they could invent one to give off enough light to read by.


I have been told to just multipy the wattage by 5 and the bulb will be roughly the same as an old fashioned ones but it will also burn the same amount of electricity! :biggrinjester:
we have really gone off topic the original post was ALL about lightbulbs not SEXIST comments about ones husband. retract your comment at once..
for future referance i find the new bulbs slow to heat up and spinning objects seem to be still i have lost 4 fingers to my blender over this issue.
Pleased to see there are now 3500+ forum members, can't we have a rota for responsibility to change this damn light lamp bulb thingy and a poll to decide how often?:smilielol5:
Brossville, your new Avatar tab's just arrived .... wear it with pride :party:
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What wrong with just an old fashioned candle,

in my youth they did not have light bulbs on my grandfather farm ,just oil lamps and candles

and a bucket :D
What wrong with just an old fashioned candle,

in my youth they did not have light bulbs on my grandfather farm ,just oil lamps and candles

and a bucket ...."blimey you were lucky!" lol Hi all.. have been reading posts and watching videos especially like hedgerow petes!! very new to the bee keeping world, finding the forum very informative ,had my first apiary meeting last month and have the next one in september, i start a beek course next year .. Bram