Fewer drones this year?

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New Bee
Aug 12, 2009
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I have noticed hardly any drone comb or drones in my 3 hives this year. Has anyone else experienced this.

Can I read anything into it?

2 of my hives were formed from a split and the third from a "shook swarm" in May. There has been plenty of activity all summer, but only the shooked hive has produced any appreciable honey. All hives appear healthy but not bursting at the seams (14 x12), with only the occasional queen cell apparent. No swarms noted.
Had lots of drones very early on but on last couple of inspections very few indeed. Looks like they are already being kicked out.
Don't know if it's because I've concentrated on building up colonies rather than honey this year and stores are a bit low.
I started with 1 Nuc over winter now on Langstroth 10 frame double brood with 2 supers and have done 2 splits both now on single 10 frame brood, 1 with 2 supers & 1 with 1 super. Aĺ had to start from scratch with foundation
One hive inspected last week had a full side of one frame covered in drones eating the nectar being stored. This week saw drones being ejected from the same hive, physically dragged out onto the landing board. Is this early for kicking drones out?
My hives have had more drones than ever this year and earlier than usual. I am always amazed how few drones are in other peoples hives!
Drex has it covered. Absolutely normal. Think about it. Also consider the state of splits in May. Draw yourself a time line and all will be there, if you read it properly.

Colonies do not have “occasional’’ queen cells. ‘Apparent’ means just that. Look it up - probably the second meaning quoted.
Lots early on but nearly all gone by the end of May, saw a few being kicked out
kicking out drones

In my four hives all are kicking out the drones ... but like the post said , I have not had to much drones this year as well ...