Enforced break coming up

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I'm quite humbled by all the good wishes and the camaderie of the forum. Thank you everybody.
I look forward to being able to get back on line and I will take care to avoid causing recovery problems by restarting too early.
Thanks again.

Don't even drive, a week after my lady friend had a full hysterectomy i was chasing a lurcher down the A1 on foot, the traffic was stationary through the lost pooch, luckily i was there or she would have crawled down the hard shoulder after it, :D . it escaped by the way.
Good luck John from North Yorks.
Take your time & get fit again, busy season a little way off yet.
Don't even drive, a week after my lady friend had a full hysterectomy i was chasing a lurcher down the A1 on foot, the traffic was stationary through the lost pooch, luckily i was there or she would have crawled down the hard shoulder after it, :D . it escaped by the way.

Did you eventually recapture it?
I've spent an hour at hospital this afternoon being assessed for prostate removal surgery next week. I'm told I should expect two months without any lifting then slowly progressing back to normality.
I'm hoping the hives will be OK for a couple of months but I have been mentoring a beginner for the last season and between her and my son to keep an eye on the hives things should stay on an even keel. I'm glad I aren't having the op later in the year.
I just hope the bees cooperate :)

Best of luck, John. But don't forget to tell the bees.
You lot!!!!
keep your pecker up
This phrase means "Cheer up" or "Don't worry, stay happy!" but I understand that it can cause howls of laughter in certain circles, I can't think why!
Hope the strikes don't get in the way.....all the best and let us know as soon as you are out.
Hope all goes well. I am in the N&N at Norwich on Monday, for a check up, if not OK I'm due for the same op.

I'm back in my own home now, no longer the owner of a prostate gland and having cleared an unfortunate upper respiratory tract infection that gatecrashed the party.
Tired but happy as I roam the halls with my trusty catheter bag strapped to my leg :) :) :)
Hope you continue to recover and soon back to as normal as possible.
Tired but happy as I roam the halls with my trusty catheter bag strapped to my leg :) :) :)

My uncle Delfryn (all round good sort, lay preacher and the most outrageous chapel deacon in the valleys - and a baptist!!) rahter liked his catheter bag actually far less bother he used to say - I used to love watching the ladies' faces when (with no reference to the bag) he mentioned the fact that he didn't have to faff around with his flies - he only had to lift up his trouser leg to go for a pee!
Welcome back!

I guess if you can roam the halls, you can roam the hives - but only to look!!bee-smillie

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