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Queen Bee
Nov 29, 2008
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switch the radio on (Radio Sussex), first thing we hear is Steve Bradley giving a blatant plug for a Bayer product - as far as I understand the BBC charter, that is in complete contravention of the letter and spirit of it - despite innumerable complaints, he's still "at it", plugging toxic pesticides by name - I trust he's well paid for doing so.......
Perhaps you could vote with your feet and listen to a different radio station.
Tried that, also tried making formal complaints - after 2 years, he still continues with blatant plugs (by name) for several toxic "icides", having rubbished the idea of there being safe and natural remedies........ which to my mind is an utter disgrace, and not why we pay a licence fee.....
Out of interest, how do the BBC respond to your complaints?
"don't uphold the complaint" - in other words, pedal on regardless, ignoring a plethora of complaints form me and others - as to quite how this fits in with the BBC charter is totally beyond me - at times he's been known to go so far as to spell the names out slowly to make damned sure we get the name of the product.

I think it is blatant product plugging - first of all he'll say there's no organic remedy, then instead of saying "go and buy a spray containing neonicotinoids" he'll spell out B-A-Y-E-R
P-R-O-V-A-D-O, time after time...........
I'm guessing that the BBC wrote the BBC's charter, and so they can bend their own rules.
(The French are quite good at this, too; there are rules, but only when it suits them).

Would Ofcom be any help?
"don't uphold the complaint" - in other words, pedal on regardless, ignoring a plethora of complaints form me and others - as to quite how this fits in with the BBC charter is totally beyond me - at times he's been known to go so far as to spell the names out slowly to make damned sure we get the name of the product.

I think it is blatant product plugging - first of all he'll say there's no organic remedy, then instead of saying "go and buy a spray containing neonicotinoids" he'll spell out B-A-Y-E-R
P-R-O-V-A-D-O, time after time...........


Why not submit a freedom of information request to the BBC concerning their gardening programming.

Ask what process they apply editorially to ensure there is no inadvertent marketing.

Then ask what they do to manage conflicts of interest with commercial relationships.

And ask what they have recorded as to their regulars (include Bradley) commercial interests.

Ask how many times the name Bayer is mentioned compared to other brands on their gardening shows.

I would also ask Bradley himself if you are concerned he is taking the Bayer shilling, also ask Bayer and if you get no satisfaction, have a word with Private Eye.

Might be worth keeping a log of all the mentions.
I did think of getting hold of podcasts of the show, and making a Youtube "compilation of plugs" - sadly so many of these things are very time-consuming.
I'll certainly be "considering my options" - I particularly like the "Private Eye" suggestion!