Dogmatic advice.

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Chris Luck

Queen Bee
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Vienne, 86400, France
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Less than 100
I find, and indeed have always found, that a number of members of this forum give dogmatic advice that borders on giving orders without for one moment, (it would appear), considering all the other approaches and possibilities...

...of course, there may be some that are merely repeating what they have read or been told.

I wish RAB would come back.

Oh dear.
I hope this does not turn into another grumpy thread.

Nearly always more than one way to do things in beekeeping Chris.
You don't want dogmatic and want Rab???

This is a wind up yes?

It's very pleasant and how it used to be.

Long may it last.

I think I remember him being banned because he was dogmatic to a few members :mad:
I think it's because beekeepers are just so passionate people.

But he did know what he was talking about and I never had any problems with him....

...anyway, as I said..

I find, and indeed have always found, that a number of members of this forum give dogmatic advice that borders on giving orders without for one moment, (it would appear), considering all the other approaches and possibilities...

...of course, there may be some that are merely repeating what they have read or been told.

Come on folks, let's not go through all this again. Yes, we miss him and ManF. Let's just leave it at that. Either they'll return to the Forum or they won't. The rest of us should just get on with our beekeeping, seeking advice and giving it.
Some of us think about what we are doing, and talk and take on board advice from the more knowledgeable. I am still learning and hope to until I give up.

Can't say I have seen any dogma.
The rest of us should just get on with our beekeeping, seeking advice and giving it.

That's what I'm getting at, it's how that so called advice is given and where the poster giving it got it from - get it?

Do this - do that!

That's what I'm getting at, it's how that so called advice is given and where the poster giving it got it from - get it?

Do this - do that!


I treat this place as a sort of 'mate down the pub that knows about bees'.

The advice may not always be right. It may conflict with what I already know through personal experience, or it may present an alternate view that I hadn't considered before.

If I have enough personal experience to help others, then I will continue to offer it. Is that wrong?

I value advice of many on here - including your advice on my trap out thread, or am I missing the point.
Dogma in beekeeping and on this forum certainly.
Having done a wide range of pursuits and carreers I would hazard that bee keeping is the one of most dogmatic. This is not a personal "get" at but a general observation. Dogmatic to me is holding to a view against the evidence and/or against logic/science/ reason held outside that pursuit.

There are some real humdingers outside beekeeping, like "racing cars shouldn't have thermostats or alternators"... both of which are absurd

in beekeeping there is always the answer to some one bringing "outside reason " and that is the retort
"isnt that rather Anthropomorphic".

A key tenet of beek dogma in that "Bees need more ventilation"
sufficient to cause schizms in to the the OMF and top ventilation sects.
Anthropomorphic.... BIG WORD.

I didn't know I had to learn such words to be a beekeeper.

Back soon.
Spit it out... dinna be shy

Oh I'm not shy, that much is obvious and there is nothing to spit that I haven't spat, perhaps it's language thing.

It's the telling someone what to do rather than saying what they would do These are not the same thing at all and I seriously wonder if people that make these statements of do this have ever tried doing anything else or is it simply what they were told to do?

A classic example, (and they are multitude), is "Take down all the queen cells except one", like there are no other options, which of course is simply wrong, there are lot's of options.

Later, Chris