Do I need to keep inspecting the brood now?

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New Bee
Mar 7, 2014
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Macclesfield, Cheshire
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I started Apiguard treating my bees last week and while doing so took the opportunity to inspect the brood but they got very cross so after about half the frames I decided to leave them in peace. Do I need to keep disturbing the brood now other than checking they've room to put stores in the super and obviously the follow up up Apiguard treatment? The brood box was looking packed with bees other than the most outer frames.
Suggest you have a look at JBM's post, " Just a thought" in the main section. I am the same as JBM and have not disturbed my BB's for a month now, unless for a particular reason
Thanks - that was really helpful to read. I also had heard that statistic about the cost to the colony in terms of recovery after a full inspection.
The main reasons for inspection are health and swarming. A full health inspection (to the exclusion of all else) is usually done towards the beginning of the season, general observations whilst inspecting are enough after that. The main priority for the summer is avoiding swarming and although bees can swarm at any time it's sufficient to check over the 'peak period' which although changes from year to year (like this year with the early spring) depending on conditions, in my view it's May to beginning of August every seven days, then you have to develop a 'feeling' for it. by now bees are beginning to get ready for winter and there's nothing much you can do now apart from panic unneccessarily if something does crop up. So, just leave the bees to it - they've been doing it for millenia without our help.
If anyone starts twittering on about deBruyn and destroying supersedure cells etc ignore them they're an id!ot.
I also had heard that statistic about the cost to the colony in terms of recovery after a full inspection.
You can also tell when the want to be left alone when they start propolising everything together with a vengeance. Get your mite treatment over with, start getting the feel for hefting the hive and get plenty of stores into them for the winter.
Now is the time for perusing winter sales catalogues and preparing kit for the next season
You can also tell when the want to be left alone when they start propolising everything together with a vengeance. Get your mite treatment over with, start getting the feel for hefting the hive and get plenty of stores into them for the winter.
Now is the time for perusing winter sales catalogues and preparing kit for the next season

Your the daddy. Love it.
I will be doing one quick inspection before apiguard just to make sure there are no QC's and one quick check before giving thymolated syrup