Disappointing July flow

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Queen Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 27, 2012
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Despite the brilliant weather I have only taken off 90 lbs summer honey from six hives. Mind you, its agri-business around here with cereals and sugar beet and few hedges or gardens. Alongside my apiary is an avenue of 12 lime trees but I don't think they yielded much. Spring crop was better if not brilliant - 250 lbs - OSR 800m distant. I've taken two hives to the heather at Dunwich Heath but heather is in poor condition probably due to drought. How are other forumites fairing?
Flow has certainly slowed down and HB has been wilting for the last week and the heather is not looking good either but hopefully this bit of rain will perk things up a bit
Just goes to show that sun and warmth isnt everything..

Bit of rain and they'll be bringing it in again.
Despite the brilliant weather I have only taken off 90 lbs summer honey from six hives. Mind you, its agri-business around here with cereals and sugar beet and few hedges or gardens.

Sounds like a grim sort of area for beekeeping.
I suspect I live in a similar agribusiness based area. There is very little flow here in July ever - in 20 years - despite lots of blackberry in the hedgerows. I wouldn't get your hopes up for next season.
Mine slowed up for a few days but are now busy again. Bringing in HB....all little creamy white backs. Weather windy,dull and threatening rain here.
We have a couple of threads running, where drones have been reported as evicted recently. That tells us something, shirley?
Lots of HB bringing in pollen but little nectar due to dry weather.. which is changing. Noticeable increase in foraging with cooler weather..
In suburban Ipswich I've extracted 300lb from 4 hives over the last few days, mostly brought in late June and early July. The combination of warmth, occasional downpours and plenty of soil moisture from the wet winter seems to have lead to both bramble and lime producing nectar here. Previous few summers have been too dry or too cold and wet (2012) to produce much and spring has been the main crop.

In suburban Ipswich I've extracted 300lb from 4 hives over the last few days, mostly brought in late June and early July. The combination of warmth, occasional downpours and plenty of soil moisture from the wet winter seems to have lead to both bramble and lime producing nectar here. Previous few summers have been too dry or too cold and wet (2012) to produce much and spring has been the main crop.

Wow, and you're only 18 miles away!
Golden rod , rose bay, balsam, purple loose strife plus clover , evening primrose in profusion (bees work this early morning) around here, year on year . I only harvest September !

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Any HB round me disappeared 3 - 4 years ago. Think the Council got cracking on it as, like Japanese knotweed, it is a notifiable pest. Shame as it was in the stream behind my house and is really nice honey - but there are some nosey parkers who probably saw it from the Public Footpath that I have to trim from overhanging branches etc.
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I'm nearby but south of the original poster near Stowmarket fully rural but have had an excellent summer due to the local farmers planting beans then a good bramble and old man's beard flow - Chuffed
Good/fair here in a rural location in the vale of Evesham with no lime near to me. Bramble and clover (white, melilot) the main summer flow. Spring flow was better as have hives in 70 acre orchard and OSR + dandelions nearby.
Any HB round me disappeared 3 - 4 years ago. Think the Council got cracking on it as, like Japanese knotweed, it is a notifiable pest. Shame as it was in the stream behind my house and is really nice honey - but there are some nosey parkers who probably saw it from the Public Footpath that I have to trim from overhanging branches etc.

It'll be back. One years seeds gives ten years weeds :)