Convert deep Abelo poly deep brood box

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Jul 26, 2015
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In error I ordered a deep Abelo poly National brood box (31cm deep) which I probably will not be able to sell on. Can anyone suggest how I might convert it to a standard brood box?
convert it to a standard brood box
Cut the bottom off and you'll lose the plastic rim which gives the box its dimensional structure. The plastic is bonded to the poly in the mould - there's a photo of the process on the Abelo or Lyson website of you look hard enough - and I reckon you'd be better off selling it locally to someone running 14x12.

If you had access to machining facilities it may be possible to cut the box in two accurately, remove the excess, and bond the top and bottom together with Gorilla glue.

Ring Abelo and ask for a solution; they're good people to talk to and may offer an economic swap.
If you bought it online the distance selling regulations allow you to return it for a refund.
Otherwise give your supplier a call and ask if you can swap it if you pay the additional carriage charges.
I had not considered a return with carriage cost but will contact Abelo. Thanks for the suggestions.

....or just ask here or on Facebook if anyone has a new or partially used, standard deep that they would like to swap, or if they even want to buy the 14 x 12 outright.....there is quite a fanclub for Abelo stuff. You might get lucky and find someone local.
....or just ask here or on Facebook if anyone has a new or partially used, standard deep that they would like to swap, or if they even want to buy the 14 x 12 outright.....there is quite a fanclub for Abelo stuff. You might get lucky and find someone local.