Comb change

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House Bee
Jan 29, 2016
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I have a double brood hive and meant to replace the lower box whilst it was empty early in the spring. For a variety of reasons this didn't happen. Would it be OK to add a box of new foundation on top of the current top box, let them draw it and move up into it and then remove the bottom box in a few weeks time?

Just wanted to check if that can be done at this time of year.

If its not being used just remove it, putting it on top this time of year they might just fill it with honey like they do with a super
It is being used but it is old comb and needs replacing. I suspect they will use the new brood box for honey because this particular colony are very badly behaved in that department. I had to remove the QX to encourage them to use the supers and HM crept up there whilst I wasn't looked and went mad laying eggs everywhere.

Which kind of make me think she's short on space but doesn't like the old comb in the lower box. I know I won't get as much honey off them if I put a new brood box with foundation on top but that's not my main concern. I'm really wanting to provide them with the best possible brood area.
Plenty of inspections left, each time you inspect take a frame out of one end, usually full of pollen or some stores and replace a new frame at the other end, do the same on the next inspection taking a frame from the same end as last time and replace a new one at the far end. I do this fairly rigidly, works well.
Put a frame in the centre, it will soon be drawn out.... Now where my tin hat lol...
Plenty of inspections left, each time you inspect take a frame out of one end, usually full of pollen or some stores and replace a new frame at the other end, do the same on the next inspection taking a frame from the same end as last time and replace a new one at the far end. I do this fairly rigidly, works well.

Any way to give them back the pollen or putting it to some other good use? I feel a bit guilty knowing I'm disposing of something so valuable to them.
Thanks for the advice but the top brood box is not the one I need to replace the comb in - it's the bottom that needs replacing. So the question is can I place a box of fresh comb on top of the current brood boxes at this time of year?

I know I should have done it in March / April but circumstances worked against me at that time.
The answer is....yes.....but they will fill it with stores
The answer is....yes.....but they will fill it with stores

Thanks. I'm expecting them to use it for stores but it seems HM is keen to move upwards the first chance she gets.
If you place it above and rotate the drawn frames out of the centre to the edge as they drawn it then they will be less inclined to fill it with stores (they will use it especially if there is a heavy flow on).
If at the point it's completely drawn, assuming they do this before the middle of August, then rotating the box to the bottom, will just cause them to move the store to which every box is now top most, which should either be a super or your current upper brood box.
At the point you rotate the boxes, place the current bottom box above the crown board (feed hole open) to allow any brood to hatch.. they shouldn't fill it with stores (but bees don't read books so they just might .. and yes I've fallen fowl of this).