Can you tell if stores are granulated?

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House Bee
Feb 20, 2009
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Northern Ireland
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Is there any way to know if capped stores are granulated or not without scraping the cappings off?
Dont think so. I have done a crush and strain on a brood frame today. As the brood box is rapidly filling up with stores i put in some foundation, and added a super. Couldnt tell that some had granulated until i scraped it out.
It is normal that honey is granulated after winter. Sugar syrup remains as liquid.
On box side frames are cold and they will granulate easily during early summer.

Bees are able to open the cells. Beekeeper need not help them.

When honey flow starts and you have super, move winter food frames between brood frames and bees will clean the combs.
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Thanks for your answers. Finman would putting stores between the brood frames not split the brood chamber? I take it this method is reliant on a honey flow?
Finman would putting stores between the brood frames not split the brood chamber?

Only when the colony is strong enough and there are summer weathers.

I adviced this last summer to our bee reacher and it went fine.

If nectar flow is good, bees cap cells again over crystals.