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New Bee
May 5, 2013
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Hey! I have tried posting a thread a few times over the weekend-was trying to post in the 'wanted' section, but no success! 3rd time lucky hopefully!

I am looking for a nucleus of bees in the herts/bucks area, if anyone is able to please put me in touch with someone I would be most grateful! Thank you!

Get on a swarm list with your local association.
Where exactly are you?
Do you have everything ready, site, hive, PPE & mentor?
Hey, I have been on a weekend course last year and joined along on apiary sites last summer, have built my hive and got a spare, got my site sorted and been reading books, am set to go with my bee suit and kit, but haven't got a mentor though. Have joined local association and am wanting to go along again to apiary visits, just have not been able to make some of the winter meetings as have clashed with my funny work shifts, so not been able to chat to someone more recently about bee lists, so worry in case I might miss out! I am near Wendover/Tring area.
A swarm can be a great option but relying on one coming might leave you disappointed and delay your start in beekeeping for a season. I would stick with your plan A to try to buy some bees, AND get on a swarm list. You have a spare hive.

If you do get a swarm, I would look to requeen in the autumn, otherwise the chances are you'll have your work cut out the following year keeping the bees from swarming again.
Hello Loubee7, you can try to get on the swarm register but you may find yourself getting 'second pickings' or worse still, a load of trouble.
Ask at your association about nucs and what their procedure is to supply beginners with bees. Far better for a beginner to start with a nuc IMO.

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