Best place to find out what the foraging?

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Sir Quej

House Bee
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
3 (hopefully)
Can anyone point me towards the best source for finding out what sort of foraging is in my area and when its about?

Is there anything like a national website that gives this info or can I look at my local council website or something?

Cheers in advance
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Can anyone point me towards the best source for finding out what sort of foraging is in my area and when its about?

Is there anything like a national website that gives this info or can I look at my local council website or something?

Cheers in advance

ask "old ned" at the local BKA

otherwise analyse the incoming pollen, each area will be different , i help manage three assocation apaires all with 2 miles of each very poor, buttercups and ragwort, another all Lime trees,, the other all hedgerow and blackberry
I think the idea would be to pretend you are a bee, scout out your district, and see what might take your fancy. Trees can sometimes be the best source of pollen/nectar.
Google maps might help. Not always obvious which areas are in range of an apiary until you have an aerial view. Then go for a walk/drive. Mind you farm crops will change
I think the idea would be to pretend you are a bee, scout out your district, and see what might take your fancy. Trees can sometimes be the best source of pollen/nectar.

Do I have to buzz as
Thanks guys.

Excellent website dpearce4
If you're urban Leeds there's a good chance railway embankments provide a significant nectar source e.g. blackberry brambles.
I find walking, running or cycling around your local area - every path, road or walkway - gives invaluable information. If you consider bees are likely to travel in a 1-2 mile radius that's up to 2,400 acres so it may take a couple of years..:)
The local spray contractors know where all the crops are so try asking them. You might find they will also suggest farmers to approach (who need pollinators for field beans etc).
The local spray contractors know where all the crops are so try asking them. You might find they will also suggest farmers to approach (who need pollinators for field beans etc).

Thanks master BK, I would have never thought of that. Google it is then....
ONly way is look, where your bees visit. You will not find usefull from computer. There is so much rubbish there.

To valuate pastures is the most difficult in paractice. Bees forage efficiently about 2 km distances.

What to look from pastures:

- how much bees are per sguare metre or per 3x 3 m

- are they your bees or how much there are other hives on same pastures.

- 5 bees/m2 is really much.

- how much you have nursed corn fields opr such pastures which give nothing
. how much bees fly before they reach good pastures. 1 km is too much

- When bees arrive to hive, are their rear hanging (full of nectar). If they fly with slim stomach, they have made a big journey or weather is not good.

- Only way to find out goodness of pastures is to put hives in another location and then compare results.

- Windy places are bad
Watch which way they fly when coming out of the hive and then follow them, you'll see them in the sky like cars on a motorways (flight paths) I walked miles last year following them