Beekeepers know everything - DBMS performance

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Queen Bee
Feb 27, 2009
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West Midlands
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Admin, and others that run VBulletin fora, a question regarding overnight performance problems on a VBulletin version 4.1.8 forum with a wide geographical user base.

Around about 2am the performance becomes a bit variable and occasionally double posts and weird dialogues come up when attempting to post, suggesting that the DBMS application software is seeing more than it should, thinking that a double post has been made. A bit of a screw up in the time domain perhaps; where glitches become wide open events lasting long enough for the software to bump into them.

Then around 4am to 4.30am the database becomes unavailable.

To me all the hallmarks of a multiuser database and it's journals being backed up, but not particularly elegantly. Perhaps because of the existence of users in Australia, New Zealand and the USA as well as UK and the rest of Europe.

Any experiences or known causes of this sort of problem beyond my own comments already would be appreciated.

These things never happen here of course, but is that down to a slick Admin and a top end ISP host. What goes on elsewhere?
Hi Hombre
It can be down to a number of reasons.
In regards to double posts you can download an addon that looks for double posts and removes them/stops them being posted.

Is the server uk based ? as it could be down to heavy traffic in another local dragging down your software during the night.

Check what time the software runs its cron jobs in the admin panel as it could be that causing it.

Have you checked your eror logs as that should give you a clue as to whats going on.

Often on a shared host it can be down to another server user running crap software that opens to many connections pushing up the cpu usage of the server.
Not me Admin, but so don't know if the server is dedicated or shared and am inclined to agree with you that examination of relevant logs should show the problem, but sometimes it seems easier to go into denial than admitting to a problem and persisting until those sat on the data 'fess up.

I imagine that the server is UK based, but don't know it for a fact. There is a fair bit of read/write database activity from Aus, NZ and the USA during the 2am - 5am problem window. Obviously microcontrollers are less geographically influenced than bees. It screws up Aus and NZ users during their late lunch and the US around about supper/coacoa time.

Thanks for the insight. (it's been a while now).