BBC4 8pm tonight

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What a load of rowlocks. To move WBC remove lifts and then move as any National. Block, strap, lift.
Three hives and prior to filming had never spotted a queen!


And why again is Fortnum & Mason bee's/products being given airtime?
I didnt catch it but really does a presenter have to make categorically incorrect statements in order to aim the content at the unenlightened.

I don't think so.

Every cloud has a silver lining :)
The programme may put off the dabblers but stimulate interest in the committed?
I shall watch the whole series .
Incidentally, I have kept bees twenty odd years and still have difficulty spotting queens :) maybe because I'm usually looking for other signs of occupancy :D

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Have got all locked in to record.
Maybe we should offer to do a prog for BBC.:hairpull: that should be lively.
Well ... much as I expected ... pity they spent nearly as much time tasting honey in Fortnum and Masons as they did beekeeping but I suppose it was aimed at the masses and not the beekeeper.

Made me feel very good about my modest skills and knowledge ... there's hope for me yet !
Every cloud has a silver lining :)
The programme may put off the dabblers but stimulate interest in the committed?
I shall watch the whole series .
Incidentally, I have kept bees twenty odd years and still have difficulty spotting queens :) maybe because I'm usually looking for other signs of occupancy :D

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The more people watch this show, the more bee-related content BBC will run.

So, tell all your friends to open their phones, tablets and computers, go to the iplayer and play it even if they don't watch it.
... pity they spent nearly as much time tasting honey in Fortnum and Masons as they did beekeeping but I suppose it was aimed at the masses and not the beekeeper.

Hopefully the masses will come away from that section with the realisation that LOCAL honey tastes different from one place to another!
Which ain't bad groundwork on behalf of sales of our premium (though much more realistically priced than Fortnum's) craft product.
Hopefully the masses will come away from that section with the realisation that LOCAL honey tastes different from one place to another!
Which ain't bad groundwork on behalf of sales of our premium (though much more realistically priced than Fortnum's) craft product.

Yes, lets hope the series goes on to show just how difficult it is to produce good honey and how committed the beekeeper has to be.
I thought it was quite good if you don't know anything about bees , as all of you know most don't know the difference between bumbles and wasps and honey bees , first episode hopefully will get more people to understand about beekeeping , and might open up markets and land to put hives on also be more understanding when a swarm arrives in there garden .

ps on bbc iplayer
I thought it was quite good if you don't know anything about bees , as all of you know most don't know the difference between bumbles and wasps and honey bees , first episode hopefully will get more people to understand about beekeeping , and might open up markets and land to put hives on also be more understanding when a swarm arrives in there garden .

ps on bbc iplayer

I liked it too. It had a certain charm.
Showing that experienced beeks sometimes "look after" inexperienced beeks was probably on their list of objectives, so I wouldn't be surprised if their was a bit of "playing dumb" going on.
Well so far this week's is the worst of the lot, hard to find much right this week i'm afraid. That wasn't a swarm, that was a cupful of bees!!!
Did you spot the instant conversion from runny honey coming out of what looked like a copper settling tank to jars of completely set honey going on to the breakfast toast ... all good fun for non-beekeepers !!

Next week should raise a few eyebrows with MANUKA getting a mention..... OMG !
What I found particularly annoying was the fact they implied having the bees swarm in an uncontrolled manner was inevitable. Swarms scare the public, lets be honest, and they gave the impression that beekeepers can't stop them doing this - where was the bit about how we do our best to manage this natural inclination so the public aren't inconvienenced or scared. Even the 'artificial swarm' shown was a bit of a weird thing to do. Disappointing!
Come to think of it, she did well to get all that honey from what seems to be about 60 bees per hive!!! Queen easier to see as well. Not so easy to spot when they are 3 deep on every frame me thinks.
Continuity editor wants a ticking off, approached barton grange in blue suit opened hive and found QC's in a white suit....