BBC swarm collecting

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Queen Bee
May 26, 2011
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Short piece on collecting swarms in the suburbs.

Might be a useful link for association websites, decent explanation of what a swarm is and what to do about it. It is in Washington DC, why don't the BBC do this basic information stuff closer to home?
... why don't the BBC do this basic information stuff closer to home?

Actually, it looks more like a home-made feature that the BBC has picked up and published.
Produced for the BBC by Colm O'Molloy and Kate Dailey. Filmed and edited by Colm O'Molloy
Its actually one in a series on modern American life, rather than basic beekeeping!

Which makes me wonder why WE don't try to produce something similar and UK relevant …
Actually, it looks more like a home-made feature that the BBC has picked up and published...
General interest under the "magazine" heading certainly, but a BBC production. As the LinkedIn description has it:
Colm O'Molloy Video Journalist at BBC News Washington D.C. Metro Area
It wouldn't be a bad idea to produce something for the UK however. Taking the starting point as something any swarm collector could refer public calls to, what would a script look like? I'd suggest the actual swarm experience is a start, then explanation of what it is, who to call, what they will do. Keep it upbeat, helping bees, natural process, not harmful. I particularly liked the idea that it's just another hobby, like birding or modelling. I'd probably want to follow with some caveats, swarms in building cavities are a different category and why a honey bee swarm is not like a bumble bee or wasp nest. The Washington version is just over 3 minutes, probably aim for something not much longer. Give the amount of time many have spent on calls about bumble bees so far, it could head off a lot of repetitive phone calls.
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