Are your bees snowed in?

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Makes our -4 last night and +2 today look positively tropical.
Love the chook :)

do you think the chook was waiting for bees flying in cold weather and then dropping? or just sheltering... love it.
latest update

stopped snowing at 35cm. One solitary stupid girl ventured out this morning.
Have now covered the entrances to stop more forays. Conveniently high sided crownboards slot snugly over the porches and are held in place by the springy edges of the porch roof.
Reading 10.2C and 70% humidity inside hives.
Morning all

2" of snow in the last 2 hours in Camborne, temp -1c

Roll on summer:party:
stopped snowing at 35cm. One solitary stupid girl ventured out this morning.

Reading 10.2C and 70% humidity inside hives.

How do you measure it? Have you a sensor in there?
How do you measure it? Have you a sensor in there?

That's my project for next season, I have the weather station and just need to buy the extra sensors to put in the hives.

I had a few bees come out when I checked on Saturday (Sun after the snow) so I have just piled snow in front of the hive entrances to stop them.
Snow still on the ground (but none on the gravel that is under and in front of my hive). Temperature hasn't risen above freezing for a couple of days now. No bees flying, around 25 dead outside the front and quite alot dead on the open mesh floor - I lay underneath to have a look! Can't see any live bees and can't hear them either but hope they're all huddled together and fine.
Few inches of snow this way and a couple of casualties visable. Took off the roof to leave some fondant yesterday, a couple of bees flew out to make something of it then quickly lost interest once they felt the temperature. Reassuring to see both colonies huddled through the feeding holes.
Morning all

2" of snow in the last 2 hours in Camborne, temp -1c

Roll on summer:party:

indeed just uphill from here -6.9'c on Sunday and 4 inches of snow on Saturday with 2 more this morning...
yeuch but fun driving in (reluctantly)
goodluck with all!!!
I'm moving...I WANT SNOW! Problem is, I'm the only one here obsessed with snow!:(

See post 38 :nature-smiley-12:

I'm with you. I love the stuff :)
I haven't seen any snow since 1989. I am thinking about adding the super back on that I removed a week ago. Afraid they will swarm. I'm pretty sure the hive is maxed out in honey, 2 deep brood boxes, and they are bringing in honey from sun up till sun down. The low last night was 68 degrees F. It is supposed to go down into the 50's tonight and 30's tomorrow. Jim
A team of scots navies would nt move it.(Was going to say irish)Re-enforced with iron-bru steel at base.
You lot who like snow must be mad! OK if you don't have to drive in it I suppose - no work tomorrow so might be making a snowman. Now - where did I put that carrot......................