Anyone else doing the uni round?

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Plymouth has North Prospect.. as it was renamed after "Swilley" had a bit of a bad reputation!

Devonport has been cleaned up and is now respectable... Millbay has lost its Red Light reputation... which JBM will possibly remember.. being an ex jolly Jack!!


I remember the local culture of Plymouth in the 80s, (just before embarking on HMS Fearless) Duke St, The Barbican & one or two friendly young ladies, they must be grandmothers by now!!
North Wales?

You were lucky to get more than running water! :smilielol5:

We were very lucky indeed! I dread to think what life would be like with a 0.5MBPS internet connection!
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I remember the local culture of Plymouth in the 80s, (just before embarking on HMS Fearless) Duke St, The Barbican & one or two friendly young ladies, they must be grandmothers by now!!

Sounds like you went on that nature ramble to see the penguins fall over backwards :)
I might start a poll on how many members of the forum were taken to uni by their parents - at any point in the process. The categories in which to vote would be based on responders' ages! :spy:
Hello Mrs B+ and :welcome:.
I think that is what this forum "could" be about. :thanks:

Mrs B+ is driving so I can check in..
Cardiff Met is a different sort of uni. On the outskirts of Cardiff rather than in town like Plymouth. Courses are similar but costs are different.
It's also strange that we are charged a toll on the m4 going into Wales but not charged coming back into England.
Think about it. They're almost encouraging the Welsh to leave (free) but charge a toll for them to come back.

Think it's more for the benefit of the incomers. Maybe we should do the same at the Chunnel, hoping the trickle towards Southern France and Spain becomes a flood! Then finally after nearly two millenia we get our country back!! :D
Then finally after nearly two millenia we get our country back!! :D
Well, we're finally home.
It seemed a nice relaxed campus. I'm just glad it isn't me who has to make a decision because the courses seemed very similar (as you might expect).
I still think there is somethig wrong when a teenager says he's interested in infectious diseases and wants to work in a lab dealing with blood samples.....strange boy!
I still think there is somethig wrong when a teenager says he's interested in infectious diseases and wants to work in a lab dealing with blood samples.....strange boy!

No no we need more like him
You never know, the next plague might be just around the corner
No no we need more like him
You never know, the next plague might be just around the corner

Knowing my son....he'll cause it! :icon_204-2:

A favourite game in my family is called "plague Inc" where the objective is to kill everyone on the planet before resources can be mobilised to combat the infection. So far, my wife is the only person who has managed to do it. Thats what happens when you marry a medicinal chemist!!!!
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My son is looking at Healthcare Science degree courses that focus on infectious diseases (microbiology/parasitology/immunology/elc)

Against all the odds, my son has an interview at Cardiff Met tomorrow morning at 8:30am (All I can think is that it must be a test to see if he can get out of bed, having an interview at that time in the morning). So, we're hitting the road again this evening and driving to Cardiff.
According to the interview invitation, its only a 15 minute interview, so, either they'll make their minds up quickly about whether he fits the profile they want, or, they don't think they can fill the course and just want bums on seats.
He didn't even get an acknowledgement of his application for Plymouth Uni so I'm not very impressed about that.
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Against all the odds, my son has an interview at Cardiff Met tomorrow morning at 8:30am (All I can think is that it must be a test to see if he can get out of bed, having an interview at that time in the morning). So, we're hitting the road again this evening and driving to Cardiff.
According to the interview invitation, its only a 15 minute interview, so, either they'll make their minds up quickly about whether he fits the profile they want, or, they don't think they can fill the course and just want bums on seats.
He didn't even get an acknowledgement of his application for Plymouth Uni so I'm not very impressed about that.

It's not really an interview; its really a chance for them to try and sell themselves to him. Bums on seats to make the course pay is essential in Uni.
Also make sure your lad knows that he is signing up to poor pay & limited career progression in most lab jobs. Well worth considering given the amount of debt he'll be rewarded with.
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It's not really an interview; its really a chance for them to try and sell themselves to him. Bums on seats to make the course pay is essential in Uni.
Also make sure your lad knows that he is signing up to poor pay & limited career progression in most lab jobs. Well worth considering given the amount of debt he'll be rewarded with.
Thanks for your input beebopper.
This course is actually fully funded by the Welsh government to ensure they have people coming in at the junior levels (succession planning). This will reduce his student loan to his living expenses, books etc. The tuition fees are covered. This makes this particular course quite attractive so I don't think that they will have to sell the course to him.
From what we have been told, there is a structured career path for health care now and there are extended periods of work embedded in hospital labs throughout the course.
I believe that this is a recent development.
He is very determined that this is what he wants to do so I think it is important that he does what he has so much passion for.