Any skep makers?

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I was very surprised when I found it. I was chasing down an anomalous difference in cavity temperature between two Warren hives (. You have to be careful in sealing the boxes together to get good experimental, results bees don't use propolis for the fun of it). I stuck a probe on the screw head out of desperation and there it was.

Im very concerned now do you think i should remove the screws from that brood box and if so what shall I replace them with??
Swarm, I' m sorry to hear your damage was caused by mindless vandalism. But to continue saying they are brittle is ...shall we say as stupid as you suggested my pictures where that showed it ain't brittle, Abelo hives (as others are attesting to) are made of tough old stuff, as are most ofthe other poly hives on the market..
As Melifera Crofter has already explained you get the same beads of expanded poly when you break open any type of poly hive. It's what they are all made of.

Denial is not a river in Africa. I already answered MC. You simply won't accept that your chosen brand has failings.
Abelo poly is brittle.
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All poly hives are vulnerable to the same sort of damage I have Swienty and Abelo and have broken both , the poly looked the same on both where the parts had broken .
Denial is not a river in Africa. I already answered MC. You simply won't accept that your chosen brand has failings.
Abelo poly is brittle.

Which would be my chosen brand then?? Yet another misconception by yourself.
I use wooden nationals, Paynes Nationals and Abelo nationals., Maisemore Nucs, Paynes Nucs etc etc
Not had problems with any of them.

All poly hives are vulnerable to the same sort of damage I have Swienty and Abelo and have broken both , the poly looked the same on both where the parts had broken .

Yes it's possible to damage any of them. Considering the projectile had no weight to it, I would have expected a gouge in the poly. The fact it hit such a large piece off the roof just shows abelo poly is brittle. Other knocks, bumps and drops have resulted in far less damage, the poly absorbs the blow through compression.
I have since found out the circumstances and far from being a wanton act of vandalism, the builders had been busy clearing an area of rubble. This piece was a bit that went a little off target.
Ignore Beefriendly's response about 'dissing' abelo by someone who doesn't use them. I've had these roofs on all my hives for three years and far from dissing them, I find them a better option than a wooden roof filled with PIR.
This doesn't alter the fact that suspicion has been confirmed, they are brittle. ITLD mentioned much the same.
Yes it's possible to damage any of them. Considering the projectile had no weight to it, I would have expected a gouge in the poly. The fact it hit such a large piece off the roof just shows abelo poly is brittle. Other knocks, bumps and drops have resulted in far less damage, the poly absorbs the blow through compression.
I have since found out the circumstances and far from being a wanton act of vandalism, the builders had been busy clearing an area of rubble. This piece was a bit that went a little off target.
Ignore Beefriendly's response about 'dissing' abelo by someone who doesn't use them. I've had these roofs on all my hives for three years and far from dissing them, I find them a better option than a wooden roof filled with PIR.
This doesn't alter the fact that suspicion has been confirmed, they are brittle. ITLD mentioned much the same.

Swarm this is what I understood as well. Perhaps Beefriendly would like to temporarily donate one of his Abelo hives to derekm for research purposes.
Swarm this is what I understood as well. Perhaps Beefriendly would like to temporarily donate one of his Abelo hives to derekm for research purposes.

The hives are made of the same material they use in Poland ,temperatures range -30 to 30 + so I think they are ok for our weather.

Also have you turned your Abelo hive boxes the right way up so frames will fit in them without having to shorten the lugs ?
The hives are made of the same material they use in Poland ,temperatures range -30 to 30 + so I think they are ok for our weather.

Also have you turned your Abelo hive boxes the right way up so frames will fit in them without having to shorten the lugs ?

I respect ITLD's views, also please read through my posts on this thread I do not own any Abelo hives.
The Apiarist website suggests using gorilla glue and wooden dowels, bamboo barbecue skewers, can also be used for repairing poly hives.
I have Swienty and Maisies and have also manipulated an Abelo hive, the owners had to cut the top bar lugs down to size to make them fit (DN4), this was something I observed with that particular hive. Swienty and Maisies are 100g/L Abelo 160g/L draw your own conclusions as to density, thermal efficiency and brittleness. But the bees were thriving.

Ok I see now you have ,,,,,,manipulated an Abelo hive, the owners had to cut the top bar lugs down to size to make them fit (DN4),

Well the problem was the box is upside down.
. Perhaps Beefriendly would like to temporarily donate one of his Abelo hives to derekm for research purposes.

And I was replying to this.
ITLD's comment would correspond with derekM "Against that the lower the density the better the insulation"

And my point is its a lot colder in Poland then it ever gets here and they don't have a problem with them so why should it be a problem here ?
. Perhaps Beefriendly would like to temporarily donate one of his Abelo hives to derekm for research purposes.

And I was replying to this.

Only if he gives him the 1 with the screw in it:Angel_anim: