A run on invert syrup!

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
Had a phonecall last night from my supplier - my ordeer for invert syrup has been delayed a week due to unprecedented demand mostly fuelled by the horrible honey season the French have had. Belgosuc are at the moment working 20 hours a day processing 20 tons of sugar per hour to meet demand. My order is safe and I do have quite a few spare. I'm sure if anyone wants any we can come to an agreement :D
My order is safe and I do have quite a few spare.

I have fed a little already and I can tell you, making up 10kg of sugar into syrup is a job rivalling cleaning the loo!!!
How folk with lots of hives do it is beyond me.
Can you put me down for an extra 2 please :)
How folk with lots of hives do it is beyond me.
Washing machine salvaged from the swinging 60's
You'll be telling me next you pour 25kg bags of sugar into it!
I can't open even a 1kg bag without spilling it all over the place.
How do you measure the water in a washing machine?
... delayed a week due to unprecedented demand mostly fuelled by the horrible honey season the French have had. …

News of this had even reached the Parisian branch of my family, who couldn't believe that we had actually had rather a good summer here …
just bought another 50 kg of sugar to make into syrup.
going to try and find somewhere to buy it from ready to use next year this is getting silly.
Nobody offering to sell honey to our poor starving French neighbours?
Nobody offering to sell honey to our poor starving French neighbours?

No point - as soon as it hits Calais the beggars will set light to the lory!

going to try and find somewhere to buy it from ready to use next year this is getting silly.

Bako sell a ready made sugar syrup (not invert if I remember correctly) but it was cheaper to buy Belgosuc invert regardless.
I have fed a little already and I can tell you, making up 10kg of sugar into syrup is a job rivalling cleaning the loo!!!
How folk with lots of hives do it is beyond me.
Can you put me down for an extra 2 please :)

No problems, just spoke to Marian the consignment is due with them next Wednesday so will be with me Friday or the beginning of the week after depending on when the lorry is available.
Had a phonecall last night from my supplier - my ordeer for invert syrup has been delayed a week due to unprecedented demand mostly fuelled by the horrible honey season the French have had. Belgosuc are at the moment working 20 hours a day processing 20 tons of sugar per hour to meet demand. My order is safe and I do have quite a few spare. I'm sure if anyone wants any we can come to an agreement :D

Peter was with us last night, he also mentioned a UK shortage of some jar sizes, indicating the bumper crop the UK had?
Nobody offering to sell honey to our poor starving French neighbours?

The French are too bitter to sweeten!

Our prime Devon lamb now goes to Germany, where it seems they will pay "Top Dollar" for high quality produce. Frances great loss!

I measure water in a 5 liter bucket added to exactly 4335g of cane sugar, I only use rain water as tap water from South West water is full of added contaminants / pH stabilisers and flocculant remnants.
Beet sugar is also said to not to be good for bees as it contains heavy metals used in processing ( although I think Fera would allow its use if it did)

this give a 2 : 1 mixture

add 10 liters of water to same quantity of sugar for spring feeding.

Make up and use as requires as fungus may grow if left around too long.

Also keep some back to mill to a powder for a late Varroa treatment.

The honey catastrophic 2014 in France and Europe

September 7, 2014 | By jean-charles Houel

"The National Union of French Apiculture (UNAF) paints a devastating and alarming picture of the honey crop for 2014, after extensive consultation among its 20,000 beekeepers members spread across the country. UNAF calls on government to support producers of emergency and reverse the decline of bees.

In 2014, the French honey production is the lowest in recent years. A drop in output of 50 to 80%. We know that bees are dying across Europe. Honey production is actually necessarily feel and fall in recent years. But in 2014 breaks all records: according UNAF French production is the lowest in our history this year. "With the exception of the West and Brittany that seem somewhat spared, in all regions of France and especially in the major producing regions such as Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes, Midi-Pyrenees and Languedoc-Roussillon ... harvests are down 50-80%. "Said the representative of beekeepers in a statement. And compared to the 2013 harvest, which were already bad!

In 1995, domestic production was about 32,000 tons. It reached 20,000 tons in 2011, less than 15 000 tonnes in 2013 to 2014, the production will be below 10,000 tonnes. The French honey consumption amounting to about 40,000 tons, this means that we will have to import more than 30,000 tons of honey. But comparable decreases were observed in other European countries ...

The survival of the French beekeeping threatened?

This drop in honey production is due to many reasons: obviously there are traditional collapses of bee colonies due to pathogens, pesticides, veterinary drugs ... But this year the weather has been particularly bad for bees and beekeeping throughout the spring and summer. "The major periods of northerly winds, rain and cold have dried flowers and prevented the bees to find nectar. The number of days where the bees were able to work were very rare, which did not produce honey in the usual amounts, "said Henri Clement, professional beekeeper and Spokesman UNAF.

Lack of honey is unprecedented and causes problems for apiaries. UNAF therefore challenges the Department of Agriculture "for an exceptional aid in the name of national solidarity is given to beekeepers," said Henri Clement. "It's the survival of the industry," insists beekeeping union. This aid would cover the 2000 and 3000 professional beekeepers pluripotent. Namely that France has about 70,000 beekeepers when we add beekeepers leisure.

A plan for sustainable development of beekeeping has been set up by Stéphane Le Foll, Minister of Agriculture, in 2013, but the plan "seems quite ridiculous and in no way meets the urgent concerns of beekeepers who are struggling to their survival, "laments the union. "We do not see any real action on the ground," said Henri Clement. "

Author: Matthew Combe

Article published on the website of natura sciences.com

http://www.natura-honey-bee-sciences.com/agriculture/recolte en baisse730.html