2nd’s quality equipment

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Field Bee
Mar 20, 2017
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Wigan, Lancashire
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Well eventually got all my delivery from the Maismore sale (nothing to do with Maismore by the way. DPD split it into multiple loads)
Anyway just wondering if anyone else has noticed a drop in quality or have I just been unlucky? Ok I know it’s 2nd’s and I wasn’t expecting top craftsmanship with premium products. I always buy a couple of brood boxes and a pack or 2 of frames. I expect the odd knott or split or warped top bar but only ever had a couple of unusable frames.
This time I ordered a few and have never had to use so much glue & filler on the boxes, many knots at the point where they need to be nailed and having to use clamps to square them up best I can. Also seems to be a bigger percentage of warped / knotted frame parts than usual. I guess you get what you pay for and take your chance on cheap 2nd’s and I don’t blame companies for selling it.
It has been mentioned by others, myself included. I've had no issue over many years, mainly a side bar knot or similar. I got all my extra boxes last year and they were all good as usual but I ordered an extra couple of hundred frames in Spring and there is a definite difference in quality. Some very badly warped and/or knotty DN5 top bars relegated to ten space supers as they were a mess. I made up extra deep frames due to the flow and noticed I can fit twelve in the brood box and have over half an inch gap!! The side bars are all narrower.
I'm hoping it was just a one off.
I have 2 deliveries, 2 arrived within a few days thr other I am still waiting for.

All the bits were spot on,14x12 boxes, supers, bar a few frames I have had no complaints...just hoping the second delivery will be just as good!
I have 2 deliveries, 2 arrived within a few days thr other I am still waiting for.

All the bits were spot on,14x12 boxes, supers, bar a few frames I have had no complaints...just hoping the second delivery will be just as good!
:iagree: , same here, no issues whatsoever with the stuff I had off them
Only had a small order in comparison to some, but boxes seem OK. First time ordering in a seconds sale so wasn't sure what to expect, but pretty happy. A couple had knots in awkward places and needed drilling before nailing, I think that was 2 nails out of 7 boxes.
Seconds generally are fantastic and quite frankly a no brainier. I really can’t see any need for first quality type boxes, it makes no odds to the bees in any shape or form. I’d suggest any assemble as soon as reasonable. It’s normally when these boxes/frames dry out that knots become brittle and side walls dish. There’s few issues if done whilst the timber is wet, rather like construction grade timber.
I’ve had seconds from the 2 main suppliers and frankly there’s nothing to choose between them. I did 1 year have a lot from thornes that contained a lot of sap wood and was disappointed with those but that’s been it. I’m rather surprised none have produced them and sold as standard all year given the price of normal equipment!
Lucky those who have received the deliveries I’m still waiting having chased a couple of times.
It has been mentioned by others, myself included. I've had no issue over many years, mainly a side bar knot or similar. I got all my extra boxes last year and they were all good as usual but I ordered an extra couple of hundred frames in Spring and there is a definite difference in quality. Some very badly warped and/or knotty DN5 top bars relegated to ten space supers as they were a mess. I made up extra deep frames due to the flow and noticed I can fit twelve in the brood box and have over half an inch gap!! The side bars are all narrower.
I'm hoping it was just a one off.
I ordered 100 second brood frames from an Irish supplier, was a bit surprised to fit 12 in the box and have room left over. Same issue with the side bars. Also had quite a lot of dodgy bottom bars.
I made up extra deep frames due to the flow and noticed I can fit twelve in the brood box and have over half an inch gap!! The side bars are all narrower.

Do you have any that you can still measure? Be interesting to know what size they actually are.

I bought seconds from b/e a while back
The cedar boxes were a bit rough and one had a lower rail that was a beespace short the bottom.
No big deal to sort out given the price.
But I couldn't work out why the pine supers were sold as seconds- they were fantastic.
Found out last week.
Frames bonded to the qx's.
The whole box is shorter than it should be.

The seconds thing is an ecologically sound practice that should be applauded - just beware of the risk factor if you don't have the remedial abilities.
I bought seconds from b/e a while back
The cedar boxes were a bit rough and one had a lower rail that was a beespace short the bottom.
No big deal to sort out given the price.
But I couldn't work out why the pine supers were sold as seconds- they were fantastic.
Found out last week.
Frames bonded to the qx's.
The whole box is shorter than it should be.

The seconds thing is an ecologically sound practice that should be applauded - just beware of the risk factor if you don't have the remedial abilities.
I’d suggest any seconds with design faults should be replaced. These items are not really seconds just manufactured from a lesser grade/quality of wood.
I ordered 100 second brood frames from an Irish supplier, was a bit surprised to fit 12 in the box and have room left over. Same issue with the side bars. Also had quite a lot of dodgy bottom bars.
Here's what I have Dave.


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You said the whole box is a bee space short, that sounds like a design fault to me. As for seconds from the main suppliers as I said above there great!
Here are the worst top bars, the middle one looks straighter but unfortunately it's like a hump back bridge. The other bananas were used in supers on ten spacing so hopefully less of an issue other than wasting DN5 top bars in honey boxes.


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You said the whole box is a bee space short, that sounds like a design fault to me. As for seconds from the main suppliers as I said above there great!
No, I said I put twelve new frames in a spare brood box ready to take to the apiary and noticed how much space there was. The box isn't new it's been used and twelve frames never had that much room before.
And I agree with you, I've always bought seconds and from the same supplier, they have been very good but this pack of top bars wasn't and maybe all of the side bars are not either. Side bars not a problem, just don't push them together but the top bars need to be closer to straight to be functional.
As I’m researching what hives and from where (and how much) ready for my first season next spring this is an interesting thread - by coincidence I came across this yesterday on this very topic so thought I’d share it here by way of a contribution to the debate. BUYERS BEWARE! The TRUTH about Buying Beekeeping Equipment |
What a load of scaremongering...
All my kit is seconds, I've had a few frames beyond salvaging but the boxes have all been fine. At worst I've had to glue in some loose knots. If you do have to make any repairs the glue will be stronger than the wood it's bonded to - just make sure it's a suitable waterproof wood glue.

I have got a bit of sapwood on one of the boxes, but if they don't last as long it's not the end of the world when they're half price or less. They're still cedar and I'm confident they'll still outlast any pine boxes.
The articles correct that there is some poor quality items around. However seconds from the main suppliers are fine the fact the odd piece may require a little work or common sense when assembling is par for the course. As to the 72hrs to assemble utter b&((0(s! Just don’t leave them sitting around for weeks/months
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