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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    Plant ID Please

    Self sown - not sure if it is a fruit tree, or something less interesting...
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    Dang Magpies

    Terry the tortoise, of some four score years, spends the summer months outside. Normally easy going and happy to share, this year some Black and White corvids have moved in next door, and are robbing his feeding bowls empty. Most intolerable. Terry is at his wits end, wondering how to keep his...
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    Fallout from the Windsor Agreement

    I guess this will affect Honey labelling as well, from July 2025... The Windsor Agreement includes the introduction of "Not for EU" labels on GB food products, to give a level of assurance to the EU that products would not wrongly enter its single market. From October, prepacked meat and fresh...
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    Todays random question...

    Out of nowhere, except possibly wondering about energy usage: What, if anything, preceded aluminium foil for the tops on glass milk bottles? I look to the collective knowledge of the forum for the answer to this arcane piece of trivia...
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    Warre - a book?

    Does anyone have a recommendation on a good book on beekeeping with the Warre hive? I don't use one myself, but I feel ignorant about it...
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    Looking for a shed...

    Does anyone have recommendations for a shed? I've looked a little and found one - 12 x 8 (3.57m x 2.48m) Mercia Overlap Shed here but really apart from the size, the construction looks so flimsy that it sort of feels that it is not worth buying. I am looking for the easy option of not building...
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    Looking a removal in the eye....

    About 4 years ago, a neighbour knocked on the door and asked if I wanted some bees. A swarm had arrived and was busy shifting into its new accommodation: about twenty feet up a brick wall. By the time I got there, they (the bees) had well and truly made up their mind that that was home, and...
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    Plant ID Please

    This plant is a real memory evoker for me, but I have no idea what it is. Bees seem to work it a little, but this is the first time I have managed to couple the scent with the plant...Any help in ID from the botanically knowledgeable would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance, Roche
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    Sound as a repellent

    Has anyone heard of using sound as a deterrent against a swarm moving into an inconvenient location? Playing loud music next to an entrance they are looking at moving into?
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    What sort of snake is this?

    I suspect this is a grass snake - just found in the compost.... But what do people think?
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    Machineway corrosion

    Every autumn, I think I really ought to do something about this... I have some machine tools in a stand-alone un-heated, drafty garage. As the temperature drops, they start to get condensation. Not really a problem on painted surfaces, although not desirable. The real problem is on the ways...
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    Cooking Honey Price

    What is the going rate for cooking honey? What are people selling at - in bulk, say 10kg and over?
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    Cooking Honey Price

  14. R

    Electric uncapping knives

    Having just started using an electrically heated uncapping knife, a few questions have come up... I wonder what other people use to hold the knife when it is not in active use, during frame swaps? The honey left on the knife will caramelise unless it is wiped off - is there some neat trick to...
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    An ugly question

    Hi All, I have been asked to remove some bees. The location is one story up, and fundamentally inaccessible. The bees have only recently (last 3 days) shifted in, so they have not built a large infrastructure. I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that destruction is probably the only way...
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    Wood stained by wine

    In the course of dinner, the (red) wine went off course on its way to a glass from the bottle... The table is totally untreated - I think ash or elm - and now has a violet mark on it, that water doesn't seem to be moving. Does anyone have a thought about how to get rid of it? Thanks in...
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    EU/GB Bee shortage....

    Interesting link - apparently the UK has the second highest shortage of honey bees...
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    last hope question...Avp92

    Does anyone know of a copy anywhere - or where I might look? It is a document published by the British Ministry of Technology in about 1968, relating to design quality in electronics... All suggestions greatfully received, Thanks in Advance, Roche
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    Swarm Season has started... I've noticed that NZ Bees tend to be a lot less aggressive than the UK ones, even when not swarming...
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    Cut-out, Trap-out, Trap-in or worse...

    Problem: A Colony of bees has inhabited an area either behind wall tiles or under a felted flat roof. (first floor roof – about 15 to 20 feet up) Entrance is between soffit and wall cladding tiles. Tiles are terracotta. Top row is attached above soffit. Entrance is about 300mm long, about 3...