
Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Last year I bought a top bar hive, talked into it by a contact. He failed to tell me that they do not automatically follow the bars, and yes I now have a hive full on inaccessible diagonal combs:paparazzi: So why am I sharing this with the whole world, simply because I do not know what to do with this hive. It is a good colony and they built a lot of comb quickly and there is a lot of brood and honey in the hive, I know this as there is a viewing panel as I could not remove bars. So I guess a lot of you will be thinking amateur, with top bar yes my six other hives are fine, honey taken apivar introduced and feeding If necessary. Any help with the top bar greatly received. PS I was waiting to colonize this hive when one day a swarm...
Because of old age and ill health I am in the process of switching from full size Nationals to nucleus hives. Even these are quite heavy for me although the supers are just about manageable. Does anyone use only nucs? I am only going to keep 2 or 3 colonies in my garden.
I have inherited 3 hives on commercial brood boxes. They are very old and the boxes are full of old black wild comb, heavily propolised and the frames are impossible to remove without destroying them completely. I wish to transfer the colonies to new National frame brood boxes. I put a new clean national brood box of foundation on top of the old brood box hoping for a Bailey comb change. The bees have drawn the new comb, put some pollen around the centre area and filled the rest with honey. No sign of any eggs or brood on any of the 3 hives! I extracted the honey, mostly OSR, and replaced the frames. They are now being filled again with honey. Tried putting the entrance between the 2 boxes and closing the lower one to no effect. Anyone...
Hello, I am a relative newcomer to the joys of beekeeping. I have 3 hives, one of which struggled to get through the winter. So far, beginning on 22 March there have been 5 swarms within 10 yards of my hives. I can only assume these are my bees as there are no beekeepers within a radius of half a mile. I still, suprisingly, have bees in my 3 hives! I didn't divide any hive, which was probably a mistake. What is happening??? Thanks for any help on this. Little piggy