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  1. Amari

    Problem: taking off heavy supers for extraction.

    After moaning all April about the cold, rain and wind, May has brought lovely weather and a heavy flow so that I now have 4-5 supers on my five productive hives. The hives, double BB, sit on stands 18" above ground level so that the hive roofs are at shoulder-head level. Not sure where the...
  2. Amari

    Cloud of very small bees: Why?

    Lovely day, T 22C, so thought I'd lift my spirits by observing the activity of my five hives. However all the bees busily landing on and flying from the landing board of a polyhive were distinctly smaller than normal eg the bees in the adjacent hive. They were shorter and thinner but of similar...
  3. Amari

    Leg jiggling: is it a male-only phenomenon? An observational study in an airport café.

    We got to Nice airport with two hours to spare so sat in a caff. A man on a nearby table was intermittently jiggling either one or both legs at a rate too rapid to count - maybe about 4/second. If he made arm movements, eg raising a cup, the movements might stop but speaking to his companion...
  4. Amari

    Wherever there are railings in Cambridge you will find.........

    ........ scores of posters advertising concerts, gigs, recitals, lectures, amateur dramatics, theatre, exhibitions, demos, political meetings, chauffeured punting - and beekeeping tuition!
  5. Amari

    Dead colony: would you reuse the super full of stores?

    Visited apiary yesterday to assess need for fondant. One of my seven colonies dead - masses of dead bees on the OMF starting to go mouldy. Brood box: scanty scattered dead sealed worker brood, no dead drone brood, cells otherwise empty. No queen cells. Four frames of stores. No Q excluder...
  6. Amari

    Asian hornet: policy re destroying secondary nests

    I vaguely remember recently reading that in ?Jersey ?France that the AH teams are giving up destroying the secondary nests. Or am I imagining it?
  7. Amari

    Wasps nibbling polyhive

    In early October I was dismayed to see a frenzy of wasps around the top of one of my two poly-hives. The colony had been strong and is headed by a 2022 queen.They seemed to be entering the hive beneath a syrup feeder which I had topped up a week earlier. Examination showed that the wasps had...
  8. Amari

    How to clean wax from polycarbonate crown board?

    The vision through most of my polycarbonate CBs is obscured by brace comb. The clarity remains poor because of residual wax, even after scraping it off and soaking in washing soda, . Grateful for advice. I have pinched a pic from another thread (Thanks and apols @Do224)...
  9. Amari

    Does Wasp Bane contain a pheromone?

    I have previously posted my experiences with Wasp Bane but have just happened upon Thorne's advert which states that it contains a wasp-specific pheromone. Strangely, maybe, the WB website doesn't make this claim. I have a vague memory ( as per most of my memories nowadays) that last year I...
  10. Amari

    Rethreading a crown of thorns

    The threads on my COT became undone so I've attempted to rethread it but it's not as easy as I imagined.The central holes seem alarmingly big while those at the edge look smaller, which makes sense when you look at the thorns from below - each parallel string is closer to its neighbour at the...
  11. Amari

    Sagging and twisted sheets of foundation and comb after placing swarms in poly-nucs

    I've caught two moderate-size swarms in the last fortnight and placed each in a 6-frame poly-nuc with OMF furnished with foundation. I checked progress several days later and in both nucs found that the foundation had sagged and twisted so that they had fused with their neighbours resulting in...
  12. Amari

    Probable tree bumble bees in hole in the ground, but what made the hole?

    A neighbour showed me an untidy hole, about the size of small football, which appeared overnight in his garden. Flying in and out of the hole were small bumbles with white bums and a single orange band on the thorax. I think they are tree bumblebees, Bombus hypnorum. The grass all around the...
  13. Amari

    Progress report: The Easy See plastic window in my veil.

    On Feb 18th I reported fitting a clear plastic window into my veil to improve vision when trying to see eggs etc. At that stage I had not opened my hives but promised to report back. Since then I...
  14. Amari

    Sunrise today

    Lying in bed this morning SWMBO and I noticed the red sunrise through the window. Sometime later we descended to find our son*, visiting for the w/e and dressed in Lycra, returning from a 45 minute frozen-footpath jog. This is a pic he took en route. * age 50, he's a true MAMIL
  15. Amari

    Whether to vape with oxalic acid after completion of Apivar (Amitraz)?

    The hives in the West Suffolk BKA club apiary were treated with Apivar for nine weeks late August-end October. I am minded to OA vape each hive once any time soon but our chairman suggests that this is unnecessary. I would not plan to check for brood. I'd be grateful for the opinion of the...
  16. Amari

    Women for Bees Initiative on World Bee Day

    A centre page spread in yesterday's Guardian, featuring Angelina Jolie
  17. Amari

    Wax moth 'worms' eat polythene

    BBC Radio 4 6 pm News today: report that scientists have discovered that wax moth larvae are able to break down polythene. A solution to the plastics crisis? A commercial opportunity for beekeepers - forget the honey, just breed wax moths.......? [Sorry I can't find a link to the BBC website] 💰
  18. Amari

    A further therapeutic use for honey?

    We beekeepers often get asked if honey is good for hay fever and, sometimes, if it helps wounds and ulcers to heal. The US Food and Drugs Administration [Report, BBKA News, Sept 2022] has found traces of sildenafil (Viagra) in honey sold by four honey-distribution companies. I await the first...
  19. Amari

    At the end of a theatre performance is it antisocial to stand and applaud?

    Last evening Daphne and I attended a splendid performance of South Pacific at Sadlers Wells. Lots of goose pimples, tingling down the spine, nostalgic tears in eyes etc (most of the audience were wrinklies like us........) At the curtain fall there was thunderous applause from the audience but...
  20. Amari

    Caterpillar ID please

    I recently planted some strawberries on the allotment and one plant has had nearly all its leaves eaten. I've consulted Collins Complete Guide to British Butterflies and Moths = poor - no guide to caterpillars. My Field Guide to Butterflies and other Insects has several pages of b'fly and moth...