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  1. R

    First swarm.

    I get told not to inspect when the weathers bad. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  2. R

    First swarm.

    The weather has been so bad here. If I could have opened up earlier I would have. The day they swarmed was the first day good enough to inspect !
  3. R

    First swarm.

    I had one swarm from my hive about a week ago but they decided to go back in. Then had two swarm from my hive a couple of days ago on the first day of weather good enough to open up and inspect! Didn't manage to catch either. Woman down the road had two swarms from her hive same day, could not...
  4. R

    Any scouts at your swarm trap?

    Full on here with swarming, probably had a couple leave the hive today. Ignored my baited nucs.
  5. R


    First bit of weather in West wilts that I think I can open the hive up for the first inspection and I suspect multiple swarms. Farmer next door had a small swarm on his gazebo but they were not in one clump, left a baited nuc and managed to knock some in. Gone elsewhere. Big clump at the base of...
  6. R

    Beekeeping forum split?

    There is nothing but danger north of the great Watford wall. Nothing lives there apart from Dragons, giants that want to eat you and bees.
  7. R

    Asian Hornets...
  8. R

    1st inspection - lots of bees; no brood/eggs; can't see Queen

    I had a virgin queen through the winter and very late to get started. Same thing with this colony last year , thought there was no queen. Bought a Buckfast queen. The queen I thought was not there was and killed my Buckfast. Verty lazy queens from that hive, unproductive. She knew she was for...
  9. R

    'Renting' beehives. How much?

    What was their arrangement with the previous beekeeper ? If the cost and effort is all yours, so are the rewards, surely ? .
  10. R

    Asian Hornets...

    My local club has an AH 'officer' and at the last meeting a week ago he had about 50 boxed up traps with a bottle of lure in each one. 16 quid. If we get one, we phone him straight away and he comes round. He keeps bees for a living , so he is very much on the case.
  11. R

    Sulphur Discs from Thornes ? needed?

    We have had no problems with it. If a coop is infested, the chickens are very reluctant to go inside. They did not want to go back in the wooden one.
  12. R

    New Beekeeper in 2024!

    yes it dulls the senses. That's it. I barely use my smoker to be honest. I guess it depends on how 'lively' the hive is Light it , give them a few puffs, get in , get out.
  13. R

    Labour to end exemptions from ban on neocotinids

    I just googled him. Of course the wealthy tax dodgers know what's best for us Absoloutely no bias what so ever........... That was sarcasm
  14. R

    'Eco' Tree Hives or disease-bombs in waiting?

    We have an almost identical one on the allotments over the road. Not been a problem for the beekeepers around here. Someone has two hives in their garden about 100 foot away.
  15. R

    7 Beehives Stolen Llandudno

    I have some very large compost heaps !
  16. R

    Sulphur Discs from Thornes ? needed?

    We got rid of the wooden chicken coop as a result of mite infestations. Got a good plastic one, no mites and it will out last the chickens and us !
  17. R

    7 Beehives Stolen Llandudno

    I used to be in a Wars of the Roses reenactment group. I have bows and arrows, a crossbow, a variety of swords, some real and edged. A complete suit of armour, spears, a mace and a morning star. No one gets in unless I let them !
  18. R

    Honey with added CBD

    Hops has nowhere near the same pain killing properties as THC/CBD. Not even close.
  19. R

    Honey with added CBD

    CBD does show up in drug tests. A friend living in Portugal had car insurance cancelled as a result.