Recent content by Floyd

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  1. Floyd

    Chance of swarming with mated queen?

    Happened to me last week, £40 marked queen in the box for a week, then they raised QC and she was gone . I will be checking progress on the QC today.
  2. Floyd

    Delayed Inspection

    Here's an update of how things have progresses. We have had a couple of nice days here in Fife, so have managed today to have a good look in both hives. Hive 2 which the recommended vertical split was performed on has shown emergency cells in both brood boxes, so I have re-untied them on...
  3. Floyd

    Delayed Inspection

    Thanks guys, so much helpful information. I have converted a CB to a split board and the weather looks pleasing for tomorrow, so will do a vertical split and check once again for eggs (need a magnifying glass these days!) and take some photos if I remember. Also have moved over to hessian as...
  4. Floyd

    Delayed Inspection

    Thanks guys, all your posts have provided me with loads of information, especially the vertical split, which I will investigate further. This is most certainly the earliest I have ever seen swarm preparations, in fact previously I would not really have any concerns until at least mid June...
  5. Floyd

    Delayed Inspection

    The weather here in Fife has been consistently awful, with today, probably being the best, no rain or wind, but still cool. Would they swarm in such unsuitable conditions, or as I believe they have made plans then got stuck at home, as the hive is full of bees, wish I had marked the queen last...
  6. Floyd

    Delayed Inspection

    Despite the temp being around 10 degrees, there was only a slight breeze, so I finally made it into both hives. Hive 1, is looking really healthy with BIAS over 7 frames and ample stores, feels like about 10Kg. They had not used the nadired super for brood, so I have moved the super up with a...
  7. Floyd

    Delayed Inspection

    Morning, The weather up here in Fife has been unpredictable, and despite a nice day yesterday, next week is going back down to under 10 degrees. As I am unsure as to when I will be able to do a full inspection, do you think that there is any benefit of moving the nadired supers above the BB...
  8. Floyd

    Extractor Question

    Afternoon, Looking to get ahead of the season and purchase an extractor. This seems like a good deal, has anyone got any experience with this extractor and also the company...
  9. Floyd

    Failed Queen from late superceedure

    Morning Guys, Had an opportunity to have a look in both hives yesterday, as it got to a rather pleasant 13 degrees after lunch. First hive, is progressing well, brood and eggs over 5 frames. Lots of stores Second Hive, no sign of eggs or queen, bees over 4 frames. Should I leave this hive...
  10. Floyd

    Trapped Rodent!

    Afternoon, Took your advice and went in today as morning temp was 10 degrees. Floor had been eaten under the mouse guard, Have lost 4 super frames which were nadired and thankfully only 2 brood frames. Did not find the culprit, and hopefully will not be back. I will be changing over to...
  11. Floyd

    Trapped Rodent!

    Afternoon guys, Just did a fondant and tray check on both my hives. One is showing signs that their is something un bee like in the hive, lots of chewed wax and bee legs! Mouse guard was put on at beginning of October, and the hives are located on top of a shipping container, so it must be...
  12. Floyd

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Had an early start onsite today, 8AM and 2 degrees, so decided to check the hives for fondant, without bothering to put on my suit, as I have done throughout the winter months. Hive 2 as expected, nice and calm slowly eating their way through the fondant. Hive 1. BANG! full on assault, bees...
  13. Floyd

    Apivar, with over wintered supers on

    Afternoon all, Both hives have been out flying today, in the sun. So was thinking of applying Apivar. However I have supers left on over winter, one on top the other on the bottom. Can I apply Apivar with them on, or will this possibly taint the wax. As always, thanks in advance for anyone...
  14. Floyd

    Educational Signage

    Thanks Wilco, will certainly link to the numerous other bee species on site, it is also surprising how little people know about pollinators and the majority still believe that it is only bees.
  15. Floyd

    Educational Signage

    Evening all, Sounds like some of you have had a bumper year, and I have really enjoyed hosting bees again on site here on behalf of the charity, The Ecology Centre. I have spent a lot of time talking to our site visitors about bees, their life cycle and all the jobs they do before becoming...