spring honey the bestest tasting honey i ever did taste

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Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
sarf london/surrey
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 hives
Was able to take some supers off a hive that went really well in spring and boy the honey tastes good ..... think its our best ever honey and it has the smell of this


cherry bay/Portuguese laurel cherry​

But we have had a great spring with hawthorn and trees in bloom.

I know the national honey monitoring does pollen analysis but what about finding out what generated this great taste ?
I know the national honey monitoring does pollen analysis but what about finding out what generated this great taste ?
You can do this from pollen dna. You just have to apply a pollen coefficient. Large pollen grains are filtered out of the honey by the bees so are underrepresented, small grains are not and are over represented.