Failing? And off lay

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From Glossop, North Derbyshire, UK
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 11, 2021
Reaction score
Glossop, North Derbyshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
4 to 12!
I have a colony that I inspected at the end of July and found open and sealed QCs only 5 in total. Didn't see the Q but eggs were present.
I was unsure whether they had swarmed or were superseding. As there were eggs present I cut out the QCs and intended to check a few days later. Somehow I forgot there were ongoing issues & left them to it.
1st real realisation something was amis was when I vaped them a couple of weeks ago and all the mite fall was in the front 3rd of the hive. I'd already given them a very small entrance as they had been bothered by wasps.
I inspected a few days ago and not many bees and only a bit of open brood. About 4 seams of bees not well filled
I left them alone whilst I decided what to do. Today I've transferred to a poly nuc, Q seen, no eggs or open brood but 2 small patches of sealed brood. The excess frames of stores are going through the freezer so I could use them over winter.
Any thoughts whats going on? Maybe dwindled with high varroa load? (I've been getting big drops on all my hives and am up to 4 vapes with still lots dropping). Failed Q or just on a brood break having dwindled?
Would you be happy to use the stores for other colonies?