Cool midday, warm afternoon, when to open the hive?

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Field Bee
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Hello everyone

The local weather pattern this month appears to be: cold morning, cool midday, warm late afternoon, warm evening. What I mean by "cool" is 12-15 degrees, and what I mean by "warm" is 15-18 degrees. What would be the best time of day to open the hive for inspection?

I'm thinking that I should rather open it at midday, so that the bees will have enough time to warm up the hive again before night falls, and so that the bees can take advantage of the warm afternoon. But do you think I should rather open the hive in the late afternoon, even though there would be only 2-3 hours of daylight left, since the outside temperature in the late afternoon is warmer (sorry: higher) and it is likely to stay that warm for 4-5 hours?

It's been a while since I checked on the hive, and all the local beekeepers are complaining about discovering swarm cells in their hives. So this check-up that I need to do soon will be have to a full check, with bees being shaken/brushed off the comb and all.


If I was you the need to check those colonies would be key, especially if other beeks in your area are seeing swarm cells!

Based on your timings I would suggest an inspection just after midday assuming a weather as you describe.

In my part of the UK the weather is supposed to be warm and sunny 19-21 degrees. Bees doing very well.
If bees are flying and you are not cold in shirtsleeves go for it. Midday to mid afternoon is when I would aim for.
The shirtsleeves test works well or when the temperature reaches 15c and above. I usually start around 1-2 p.m. at this time of year.
Best time is when most of the flying bees are out foraging ie somewhere after about 11 am when temp is circa 15 C.
If you think they may be preparing to swarm, then as soon as you've got everything ready for an AS or similar; ideally now.


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