Allotment Act 1922 (selling Honey)

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Queen Bee
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
London N10
Hive Type
asked my local Council if it would be possible to put a Hive on an allotments and what insurance they require and got the responce that yes ok, £5m public liabilty insurance required but I CANNOT Sell the Honey and i must sign a declaration that the Honey is for my own use ,they quote

"The key legal restriction is contained in the Allotments Act 1922, whereby there is a general prohibition on any “trade or business” being conducted on the allotment garden or any part thereof. An allotment garden must, by definition, “be wholly or mainly cultivated for the production of vegetable or fruit crops for consumption by the occupier or his family”. So allotment gardens can’t operate as market gardens,Apiaries or nurseries.Furthermore, carrying out any form of trade such as sale of Honey to a shop or at Farmer's Markets, however small, produced on the allotment site could also be interpreted as being in breach of this law"

Has anyone else come across this JOBWORTHS view?
Dont let it bother you the rule is meant to stop commercial enterprises grabbing all the allotments and profiting from them no one will be bothered if you sell the honey just dont advertise it. You are lucky that the council said yes most are saying no I had my bees on my allotment on the quiet although they must have knowan it was hard not to notice
Has anyone else come across this JOBWORTHS view?

yes i would say JOBWORTHS, i asked the council by email and they said yes, i then asked all the allotment holders at a meeting, they were all happy with the idea, on the first workday this year, i took 40 jars up and said to all that honey were for sale and told them how much, i sold out in a hour, they have since asked for honey everytime i go up there.
I have also had fellow holders asking to have a look inside the hive, so i suited them up and showed them, which they loved.

i have just recently put a hive on my allotment too. I had to submit some plans to the commitee for approval, mainly for me to show how ill reduce the impact on the adjacent plots, as in heavy bee traffic over pathways etc. But all was well and all are behind it 100%.

what they are trying to stop is the problem i have at my allotments, when someone grows a patch of corriander 24 metres by 10 metres it ant for home use. and he ant the only one they sell loads of stuff off my allotments some me and a few jars of honey is not a worry when your making £100's of your plots then they get stroppy
If you also have a hive in your garden or elsewhere, then the odds are that all your produced honey will actually come from there. The hives on the allotment will be providing pollinating services and winter supplies for both apiaries. It's all a matter of perception. :) Just in case anyone asks. It could always be a bit like Victor Meldrew's in his front garden.

HP. Yes, the batches are made up daily for sale in the local Handsworth outlets. I remember from the time I visited many years ago. It was all explained to me at the time and I don't suppose that it has changed much since. That must have been the best part of ten years ago at least.