Winter losses 2012/13

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What percentage of your hives did you lose this winter (last years results in brackets)

  • 5 hives or less: No losses (2011/12 46%)

    Votes: 75 33.0%
  • 5 hives or less: 1-25% losses (9%)

    Votes: 18 7.9%
  • 5 hives or less: 26-50% losses (8%)

    Votes: 23 10.1%
  • 5 hives or less: 51-100% losses (2%)

    Votes: 16 7.0%
  • More than 5 hives: No losses (13%)

    Votes: 19 8.4%
  • More than 5 hives: 1-10% losses (15%)

    Votes: 22 9.7%
  • More than 5 hives: 11-20% losses (4%)

    Votes: 21 9.3%
  • More than 5 hives: 21-30% losses (2%)

    Votes: 13 5.7%
  • More than 5 hives: 31-50% losses (0.5%)

    Votes: 13 5.7%
  • More than 5 hives: 51-100% losses (0.5%)

    Votes: 7 3.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
None of my own
I've done these the past two years, results here and

As before, those of you that don't mind sharing, it would be interesting to have an overview of what losses we experienced last winter. Divided very simplistically into those with more or less than 5 hives.

I'll include last years results in brackets by each option.

The poll is later than usual for obvious reasons, and many will think the winter is still with us. I hope though that before too long normal service will resume and in any case a lot of us have an idea already how their charges have fared. I'll leave the poll open until May
Losses could be due to small overwintering colony not surviving
not enough stores
keeping in unsuitable hive*
Opening up in midwinter to trickle OA inexpertly
Not treating in Autumn to reduce varroa load
Not thymolating Autumn feed to prevent Nosema
Badger & dear & woodpecker terrorism

add your reason !

* unsuitable hives... the crystals do not work !

interesting poll... but like all stats can be skewed!
I'm tempted to vote no losses while it is still true, but at this point, I really think it would be tempting fate to cast my vote before we are properly out of this persistent, maddening cold.
I'm tempted to vote no losses while it is still true, but at this point, I really think it would be tempting fate to cast my vote before we are properly out of this persistent, maddening cold.


Poultry and numerating come to mind - I'll wait a little while before casting my vote!
I've just sent off my response to BBKA on this type of survey - no losses at all.
Poultry and numerating come to mind - I'll wait a little while before casting my vote!

Well I have 11 chickens.....

and hives seem OK as of today (actually a very pleasing amount of activity today) but I won't vote just yet..........
lost 20% of my hives but didnt include the 8 out of ten nucs that failed
A few weeks ago I was planting a new cherry orchard and put my spade down somewhere and for the life of me I can't find it, I would go as far to say that I think I have lost it!
So that's one loss for me...
Just voted on last years poll as I missed it. Its a bit early just yet for this year as I have yet to inspect but all is looking good for another year without losses. (dam I bet that’s gone and jinxed it now)
Honest response unlike others superstitious replies. I lost one out of my three hives.

Where does superstition come into it?

I also resent the implication of dis-honesty!
Incredibly low figures showing up here................have been a major meeting today (and had reports from others over the last couple of weeks) and losses are running at close on 50%, and thats now, before they find all the dud queens etc. Highest is 98%, and no-one with more than a couple of hves reported zero. The carnage extends across beekeepers of all scales, and all husbandry types. Its far worse in the main for those exposed to the east winds along the North Sea coast last summer, who have been reporting undersized clusters since September. No negative correlation with OSR. Some of the heaviest losses are from non OSR apiaries.

88% from a Midlands beekeeper yesterday (and a good one too!).
One outfit reporting 20% losses, then trying to source package bees in such quantity that hey must actually have 50% empty. (Beekeepers reports can be a bit like fishermans tales, and are often designed to impress or horrify other beekeepers. Beware taking it at face value.)
Highest is 98%, and no-one with more than a couple of hves reported zero.

I'm not a chicken or egg counter, but I've still got the four colonies I had at the end of summer. I haven't looked inside other than checking fondant etc, so whether they'll still be okay in another week or four is another matter, and that's why I haven't done the poll yet.
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66% loss for me at minute, chairman of local BKA 50%, and out of a class of 21 intermediate cert beekeepers at local argicultural college 7 have no bees at all now. Rough, but what do you do but keep on going?
Another loss yesterday..... and in the Autumn was the ONE colony that was being earmarked for queen rearing this season !

Perhaps we need another poll for reasons why The Fickle Finger of Fate has pointed towards your bees?

Disease... Beekeeper error.....

Not lost too many , but none were down to disease
No poopy signs of Nosema...
Varroa in check

above due to good disease prevention measures

I suspect one loss due to queen dying and winter bees dwindleing naturally away...
Another my own fault.. small colony should have been taken from cedar National and put in a polly nuc.

other causes ( Not in my apiary !)
queen excluders left in and cluster moving away from her, lack of stores, lack of insulation, opening up to peek ( although mid winter trickle is usually not the same?)


Incredibly low figures showing up here................have been a major meeting today (and had reports from others over the last couple of weeks) and losses are running at close on 50%, and thats now, before they find all the dud queens etc. Highest is 98%, and no-one with more than a couple of hves reported zero. The carnage extends across beekeepers of all scales, and all husbandry types. Its far worse in the main for those exposed to the east winds along the North Sea coast last summer, who have been reporting undersized clusters since September. No negative correlation with OSR. Some of the heaviest losses are from non OSR apiaries.

88% from a Midlands beekeeper yesterday (and a good one too!).
One outfit reporting 20% losses, then trying to source package bees in such quantity that hey must actually have 50% empty. (Beekeepers reports can be a bit like fishermans tales, and are often designed to impress or horrify other beekeepers. Beware taking it at face value.)

Thanks for this; very interesting - please keep us all posted as you find out more hard info

Am I right that you are Scotland /borders?

I have not dared open any hives yet. No temperature over 8 degrees forecast at the apiary this week :-(

One had so many dead bees in November that I deconstructed it and swept them off the floor - concerned they were blocking both entrance and OMF! There are still a few bees coming and going - even fetching pollen - but I will not believe it is a colony until I have seen brood.

I will not believe it is a colony until I have seen brood.


Good comment! that's why I'm waiting a while before voting - no use coming back in a while saying; 'err.... made a mistake can I vote again?
I opened up 6 yesterday. 1 drone layer was the only one with any sealed brood. Larvae in only 1 other. Virtually no pollen seen except what they were bringing in. But bee numbers okay on the whole. I'll be at an out apiary shortly to get a different perspective but I'm expecting similar. These broodless colonies should be fine but it puts them well behind where they should be, at least a month I reckon if they start rearing properly now. Forage is late too. It's going to be a short season when it actually begins.
Our BBKA apiary has lost one nuc out of 23 hives.. but some are quite weak and may not survive. Queen viability unknown yet.

No chance of any inspections before mid April at earliest

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