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  1. Loubylou

    More allergic

    Can anyone tell me whether they have become more allergic to stings since Covid jabs? I have heard stuff about this and wondered whether there was any truth in it, or whether there was any research being done. Asking because I had a nasty reaction this morning and don’t usually. Tia.
  2. Loubylou

    New queen?

    Hello, just checked one of my hives which was thriving and to my despair found qc’s! I know they are too late to be viable but is it too late to introduce a mated Q? I have seen some for sale. Or should I just combine with another colony? Tia
  3. Loubylou

    Super cement

    I have so many super frames partially filled with the dreaded OSR honey that I would like to re-use as wet frames this year. This has been a gradual build up over the last few years. Too hard too give back to the bees.....I tried that one and too hard to extract. Is there anyway of removing the...
  4. Loubylou

    Christmas cake recipe- honey not sugar.

    I was wondering whether anyone has a good Christmas cake recipe using honey? I have seen quite a few online with good ratings but would like to replace all sugar with honey to showcase the honey flavour. Here is one I found and it looks good. But wondering whether anyone has a recipe that is...
  5. Loubylou

    Virgin Queen decision

    Hi folks, a beekeeping friend has given me a virgin Q as she is requeening with a bought in mated Q. She is caged and feeding herself at the moment. I couldn't bear to kill her and not sure what to do with her. Is it too late to make up a nuc from one of my good hives and pop her in. Or should I...
  6. Loubylou

    Snelgrove problem

    Snelgroved two of my hives 12 days ago. Yesterday on inspection I have found both queens in the top BB. I know both Q's were definitely placed in bottom BB on outset. Eggs found in both BB's and swarm cells capped in bottom one. QX and snelgrove board between BB's. Clearly Q's have moved up...
  7. Loubylou

    Swarming....what method?

    Been on a brilliant swarm control talk this weekend and as a result thinking about converting from single brood to brood and a half. What are the pros and cons? The advice was to do vertical splits using a split/snelgrove board and recombine at end of season. This will be a new method for me...
  8. Loubylou

    Osr sos?

    Just cleaning out the back of my bee shed and found a load of supers with last years OSR honey/concrete in. What do most folks do with this? Would it be a good idea to put it underneath the BB's so they can take it upstairs? Or is it best left for pointing the house bricks?
  9. Loubylou

    Qless Hive, what to do??

    Hi all, most of my hives overwintered well. However, I am pretty sure one particular hive seems Qless. No BIAS at all so I put a test frame in several days ago and just checked this morning and no QC's made. There are a lot of bees in this hive. Now some drones have hatched from the test...
  10. Loubylou

    Too thick to handle!

    Got very set honey (not as set as rape) stuck in a bucket. It's way too thick to jar up. Tried to leave it in my hot car yesterday to loosen it good. A little scared to heat on the stove in case it catches. Any bright ideas please?
  11. Loubylou

    Too thick to handle!

  12. Loubylou

    Cut comb honey

    I am going to have a go at selling some cut comb honey. Please can anyone tell me what size to cut and how much should I sell it for.
  13. Loubylou

    2nd treatment??

    Hi, I have treated my colonies with Apiguard and noticed hardly any mite drop, do I need to treat again or is once enough?
  14. Loubylou

    Sticky dripping mess!!

    Extraction question.......does anyone have a better way of getting honey from the bucket (with tap) to the jam jar other than a jug?
  15. Loubylou

    Swarm varroa treatment

    A local beek advised me that it is an opportune moment to treat my newly collected swarm with Oxalic acid before they start to make brood. Is this a good idea and therefore a perfect opportunity to monitor varroa infestation?
  16. Loubylou

    How to package cut comb?!

    Has anyone got any suggestions or ideas for selling honey comb in anything other than plastic containers. I would like to use a more sustainable eco friendly type of packaging.
  17. Loubylou

    QC already!

    Oh heck! or words similar.....just did first proper inspection and one of my hives already has an uncapped QC full of royal jelly. The queen I marked last year was nowhere to be seen, but i noticed a good sized new queen motoring about. One frame of brood with lots of drone cells and not many...
  18. Loubylou

    aaagh! queen cells, what to do?...

    Just inspected one of my hives today to find 4 capped queen cells. aaaagh!! I last inspected about 7 days ago (whilst treating with Apiguard) and found a few uncapped q cells and presumed they were just play cups. This hive has a very new q in it and she is just coming into lay with hardly any...
  19. Loubylou

    Queen cells....what to do?

    Just inspected one of my hives today to find 4 capped queen cells. aaaagh!! I last inspected about 7 days ago (whilst treating with Apiguard) and found a few uncapped q cells and presumed they were just play cups. This hive has a very new q in it and she is just coming into lay with hardly any...