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  1. Lorenz

    Blackberry honey conserve

    Thanks for replies. I like the bits of fruit and pips, so think I will try 1kg of blackberries to 1kg of honey/sugar 50:50 mix. i wonder if all the pips will float on the surface. Hope not. I'll let you know.
  2. Lorenz

    Blackberry honey conserve

    Has anyone got a recipe please. I have lots of blackberries picked and lots of honey from the capping drainings. i was hoping to do one without added sugar?
  3. Lorenz

    Blackberry honey conserve

  4. Lorenz

    Is it my imagination?

    What do dragon flies eat?
  5. Lorenz

    Tree with white flowers/"snow on the ground"

    We call that poplar rather than cottonwood around here.
  6. Lorenz

    Foundation not being drawn

    Some bees do make holes. Sometimes if you spray the foundation with syrup on bth sides it encourages them to draw it. The main thing is that they will not draw it if they do not need it, so if they are not queenright/the queen has plenty of room to lay and there is plenty of room for stores...
  7. Lorenz

    Stubborn Resistance to introducing a new Queen

    If you regularly (weekly) add young brood and eggs and also add a frame of brood about to emerge regualrly, they will make a queen. The question is are they worth saving to you?
  8. Lorenz

    Should I muster the cluster?

    When they hang underneath like this usually this is a cast warm and you can brush them into a nuc and they will settle (with a bit of queen excluder across the entrance to encourage the queen to stay in there.) I would not put them back in the hive in case there is another queen in there...
  9. Lorenz

    Emerging Queen Attacked

    Sometimes when there is already an existing old or newly emerged queen I see the bees will sit on the lid of the other ripe QCs 'holding in the queen'. When beekeeper opens hive, the bees keeping the queens in are disrupted and sometimes many virgins emerge at the same time.
  10. Lorenz


    At this time of year, I don't worry about this, but I do in the Spring when the nights are cold. If it is cold at night, but will be sunny and there is a flow on in the day, and I think that they will need a super very soon, but perhaps not today, I put a sheet of newspaper under the empty...
  11. Lorenz

    What did I just witness?

    She weren't that nice. She swarmed.
  12. Lorenz

    No Varroa

    I don't get this. There are varroa free bees in remote parts of Scotland.
  13. Lorenz

    What did I just witness?

    They swarmed. For some reason the queen could not join them, so they went back. If you did the AS by the book and the new hive on the old site contains the queen and foragers and one frame of brood with no queen cells on it, then you have been unlucky if this swarms. I usually put a QX under...
  14. Lorenz

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    I built another hive stand too. I think I will need to do at least one more AS this weekend.
  15. Lorenz

    flower of the moment: June

    There are lots of bumbles and honey bees on the chvies. Could the blue green pollen be from them?
  16. Lorenz

    New Beekeeper

    Welcome martin. I hope all goes well for you.
  17. Lorenz

    50% losses winter 2012/2013

    I have had more Nosema this year than normal. I lost one colony that was a DLQ, but all the nucs survived. I always give thymol in the Autumn syrup, to help against Nosema, but I think some people did nothing last year, with Fumidil not being an easy option any more. Anyone else noticed Nosema...
  18. Lorenz

    Queen needed

    Please think very carefully about whether you might already have a virgin in the hive. Was the cell that fell on the floor gnawed away at the side? If so this is a sign that there is already a virgin in the box, who broke into the cell and killed her rival. If there is already a virgin in the...
  19. Lorenz

    How long can I keep a hive sealed if I have a feeder

    It would have been best to put it in the cool and dark. It would be Ok for 48 hours like that so long as you have an OMF. It should be Ok in the shade though. If you are worried you haven't got enough bees to cover the brood, wouldn't it be best to leave it open and place it on the site of...
  20. Lorenz

    The death of an old friend

    Very sorry for your loss. I know you truly loved that dog.