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  1. papa_sierra


    I believe in global warming, glass half full !!
  2. papa_sierra


    Spring is sprung The grass is riz I wonder where the pollen is My bees have found the snowdrops All my hives have come through the winter Looking forward == smilies on !!
  3. papa_sierra

    Combat Bees, what strain ?

    Puts our problems into perspective.
  4. papa_sierra

    What's going on

    Checked today, plenty of stores, not many drones in the hive, I think autumn is creeping in without us noticing.
  5. papa_sierra

    What's going on

    The year seems to be racing ahead, our produce season has been compressed with lots of strawberries but in a short period, the Himalayan Balsam has started early and I see one of our hives has started throwing out drones. Have others noted a difference ?
  6. papa_sierra

    Two Queens ?

    Caught a swarm and rehoused in a 6 frame poly nuc. 20 days later moved into a hive and noted three frames of brood capped and uncapped and stores. There were opened queen cells on one frame and scuttling out of sight I noted two queens. Now one must be laying so how do I decide which one ?
  7. papa_sierra

    WBKA Convention

    Oh well, save up for next year.
  8. papa_sierra

    WBKA Convention

    Bought early tickets for above, both cars decided they didn't want to go!!! so couldn't attend. Did we miss a good day out ?
  9. papa_sierra

    God I love growing our own

    Good to know you are not involved. I know bees need access to water, but that is taking it to extremes !!
  10. papa_sierra

    God I love growing our own

    I hope Enrico hasn't taken to growing rice looking at the pictures coming from the Somerset Levels. Looking very wet.
  11. papa_sierra

    Bee Wagon recommendations

    A Wheelchair Accessible Van might fit the bill, some info here - What is the smallest Wav Car Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle? Lateral thinking eh !!
  12. papa_sierra

    A better vaping torch?

    I melted the first torch, so made a baffle from brass sheet with a hole in the middle and slid it half way down the torch nozzle. About two inches square, keeps the heat off.
  13. papa_sierra

    Fogger v Vaporization with Gas Vape

    Back when he started, he did give out instructions on how to make your own. I thanked him at one of the shows, and now direct other beekeepers to his product.
  14. papa_sierra

    Fogger v Vaporization with Gas Vape

    If you can silver solder, make your own Gasvap. Quite satisfying, especially as you can tweek it to fit your requirements. A longer spout for one.
  15. papa_sierra


    Our bees are still taking pollen in, various plants are budding. Are we in for a big shock ?
  16. papa_sierra

    Shiny new kit.

    I've bought one of these and cut a hole in the bottom of the extractor to one side and fitted it there. Easier to get the bottom inch of honey out. Clean cut honey tap
  17. papa_sierra

    Demarree - Earliest

    Thanks for the advice, I do like a freebe (inadvertent pun!!).
  18. papa_sierra

    Demarree - Earliest

    Are the queen cells that will appear in the top box useable for making up nucs, especially if coming from an 'A' hive ?
  19. papa_sierra

    Double glazed panels available for solar wax melter?

    I think you have answered why my solar melter did not work. Full of enthusiasm I made up one using my dismantled conservatory panels and it refused to melt down my old combs. I would in hindsight have used single panes. Made up a steam melter instead.
  20. papa_sierra

    Storm eunice

    Just spent the afternoon pumping out our cellar, water level falling now the rain has stopped. Alphabetically this storm is an F, not Franklin but F****.