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  1. B

    Queenless fo 5 weeks or so

    Hi I have two hives who have had a Queen, Queen disappeared, refused to lay and one has a Queen with a deformed wing, that has also now disappeared. I am thinking to unite them with two hives that have come from a nucleus. One of the Queenless ones has a huge population and an awful lot of...
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    Absconded! My strongest hive!

    Checked them last Thurs - went today and the hive is empty apart from a few hanging around. On greater, v quick inspection, I think there might be a seam of bees hanging in there. The hive has given me one nuc over the summer and built up to two brood boxes. which supplied sealed brood comb...
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    8 p.m. bees outside

    We were going to move a hive to somewhere closer to home. On arriving and going to close the entrance up, we spotted bees, about a cupful each in three places on the outside of the hive and a small cupful clustered underneath. I decided not to move them and removed the varroa tray, which has...
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    Wingless Queen

    Talking to a long time beekeeper the other day and he tol me he had been sent a photograph of a Wingless Queen and said it was the first he had ever seen. On last check for winter, I found a wingless Queen too - what are the odds of that? It looks like the wings have been eaten away to almost...
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    Nuc with brood on four frames

    New Queen has tightly packed brood onto four frames in her nuc and has one of stores plus frame feeder too. I have one spare pollen and two honey stores frames, not all cells filled. Q. Should I put her in a hive with frame feeder and dummy plus frames as above and her own five frames. She...
  6. B

    Wasps, wasps, wasps - what to do

    I have Reduced the entrances Put out traps that are catching Blocked entrances Leaned a piece of cloche glass over entrance Reduced to one bee space Killed a hundred wasps by hand in two hours or so Moved the hives miles They're still under attack - even the double brood. My 'orangey'...
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    Swarm followed Queen into hive

    at 4:30 this p.m. Jammed brood foundation frames to prevent movement on tonight's 20 mile journey. Haven't put frame feeder in Thought to put on head - lamp - switch to 'red' in dark - take frames out and replace with full feeder then close up for a few days before opening and feeding more...
  8. B

    My four Nucs nearly at 8 frames each

    I want to increase these when they are colonies in full brood box, about two weeks yet? I thought to split two or maybe three of them each into two Nucs and leave the existing colonies and Queens to build up again. With the split, I thought three frames each, brood and stores, into Langstroth...
  9. B

    Deformed wing

    An elderly chap who bough a nucleus last September and made it through the winter, keeps one hive and is allegedly being advised by a beekeeper who knows a lot about bees - hmm. Speaking to him yesterday, he described the miserable circumstances in his hive, varroa being most of the population...
  10. B

    Anti-swarming system - too good to be true?

    This: from Mod Beek caught my eye but would greatly appreciate expert opinions from Hivemaker, Polyhive, Finman, Rooftops and any thoughts please. As they are in professional use in Finland, they seem to be the answer to the eternal problem. Is that really the...
  11. B

    Insurance - Hive theft or Bee theft

    Hi all, I have been looking for some insurance that would cover theft of bees or hives, or both - nothing suitable so far. I thought NFU might be the ideal company but they're a bit woolly. Any ideas or facts anybody please.