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  1. Mandeville

    Overheated honey

    That's really useful, thank you!
  2. Mandeville

    Overheated honey

    At the moment, I can't get the lids off!
  3. Mandeville

    Overheated honey

    As I don't know exactly when it all went pear-shaped I can't be sure, but maybe up to 14 hours :oops:
  4. Mandeville

    Overheated honey

    My honey warmer thermostat failed and 10 jars of honey spent several hours at 60-70 degrees C. Is the honey of any use for anything now? Or do I just bin it?
  5. Mandeville

    Soft set with high water content

    Thanks for the advice - I thought that 19.5% would be just about OK as normal honey, but from Eric and Anduril's experience it looks like I might have to do a lot of cooking!! That's really helpful - I'll give it a try, thank you! That's useful, thank you, I didn't know that - the mechanism of...
  6. Mandeville

    Soft set with high water content

    I've a bucket of honey that I've just extracted which is reading about 19.5%. I'd hoped to use it for soft set - will it be OK? Do I need to do anything differently because of the highish water content?
  7. Mandeville

    Strange sound

    If I'm right, you'll find such a comb in the hive making this dound, and not in the other hives. I think you've hit the nail on the head there! This colony does exactly that - chews the foundation away from the wires much more than any other colony I've ever had. And the pattern of the sound...
  8. Mandeville

    Strange sound

    Great YouTube video - thanks for finding that! It's reassuring that it's not that unusual and doesn't mean anything bad. The clue to the cause seems to me to be that the noise stopped when the guy in the video moved one particular frame. As suggested, synchronised wing beating combined with a...
  9. Mandeville

    Strange sound

    Can anyone identify this strange warbling noise? I first heard it a couple of weeks ago, late afternoon. It was loud enough to be heard from about 15feet from the hive. The bees were coming and going, and appeared to be behaving perfectly normally. Happened again this morning while I was...
  10. Mandeville

    Shopping list 😁

    As has been said - get a good quality bee suit. I nearly gave up beekeeping when I had an aggressive colony and a leaky jacket - it's no fun. Also transparent crown boards - being able to check that your bees are still there without disturbing them is very reassuring!
  11. Mandeville

    Musings on WBC

    I started with WBCs because HWBMO wouldn't have a "pile of packing cases" in the garden. Like ElaineMary, I've never lost a colony over winter in 10+ years, so I think the double insulation is a benefit. I have only cedar lifts and boxes so no trouble with warping or rotting. But mis-matched...
  12. Mandeville

    Carbonate crown boards

    I've used polycarb for years. They do lead to some condensation but it's never been enough to matter.
  13. Mandeville

    Combining Colonies

    I've found that they quite often just make a hole through the newspaper without ripping it up. So I never get the shreds outside the hive to tell me they've united!
  14. Mandeville

    Help, i think they're a bit aggressive

    I would get the super on as soon as possible. Wear plenty of protection, get everything ready and plan what you are going to do, and then do it as quickly and gently as you can. If the hive is against a hedge or a fence, approach it from behind, that may buy you a few seconds before the bees...
  15. Mandeville

    Help, i think they're a bit aggressive

    When the super is full of bees, it's time to give them another one, you don't need to wait for it to be full of honey. I think in your situation I would add one anyway. It may not help with their temperament, but I doubt it will make it worse!
  16. Mandeville

    Help, i think they're a bit aggressive

    I wonder if overcrowding could also be a factor as they've gone down to one super from two.
  17. Mandeville

    Shook swarm and Q intro

    I was hoping for some helpful suggestions about methods of dealing with infected comb but just got the usual anti-shook swarm rants - oh well ... Thank you beeno - yes the SBI did shook swarms to deal with the EFB and that is now under control. The concern now is that the level of sac brood...
  18. Mandeville

    Shook swarm and Q intro

    The SBI has just given me the all-clear after the 6 week standstill because of EFB - yay!! :) But he was concerned about the level of sac brood and has suggested requeening. I have been offered a queen which I'd like to put into a colony which was a split from earlier in the season. To reduce...
  19. Mandeville

    extraction dates

    The frames do not have to be fully capped or even 50% capped before extraction. You just need to check the honey with a refractometer and if it's 18% or less it's safe to extract. Yes that's right, you can leave the supers and just keep adding more. I'd never have more than 3 though - it's...
  20. Mandeville

    extraction dates

    I'm in SE London. Some years I've taken supers off, extracted and put back during the season if there's a strong flow and I'm running out of kit - last year I could barely keep up with it! Nothing like as good this year. I'd normally take all the supers off no later than last week of August...