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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    devils spawn revisited

    Went to inspect the hive I have in works garden after work tonight with the intention of taking off supers and splitting this hive into two nucs,so set about removing two of the supers which I used beequick to do, there were two more supers on one which was not capped and one they were drawing...
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    what to do with devils spawn

    Hi, everyone I have one very aggressive colony at my works garden.they are collecting honey very well and have been filling a super a week. But they are very aggressive once you open the hive,bees flying straight to your face pinging off the veil and following for 25 meters and not giving up the...
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    bees trees and plants.

    hi all, can anyone recommend any books on trees and plants that are beneficial to honey bees, preferably new print with good colour photos.
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    laying worker

    is there a cure for this problem?have read about moving hive up the apiary and shaking bees onto sheet,has anyone tried this? what were the results.
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    Oxalic Acid

    has anyone tried vapourizing Oxalic Acid as apposed to trickling. what were your findings.
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    super bees

    just wondering what our more experienced beekeepers thought about Ron Hoskins and his super will the genes of these bees be passed around the country and to every hive? your thoughts please.
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    where to buy Fumidil-B

    just received my first colony of bees earlier this week,:did my first inspection of hive today and swapped over floor+roof which belong to friend,put an eke on and treated with apiguard.there is one super on which has maybe 3 frames of nectar in all,so thought this seems a bit light,going to...
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    question on nuc width

    could anyone tell me the internal size of 5 frame nuc. 5x35mm=175mm+10mm for clearance=185mm or am I wrong in my thinking?
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    point in right direction

    as I am new to beekeeping could anyone suggest the best and reasonably priced on line supplier of foundation and frames?