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  1. Gardenbees

    Silver lining...

    Just checked my bees and the most industrious hive has a couple of half- to two-thirds-filled supers of capped honey, despite lousy foraging conditions recently. I swiped a capped frame to thin out the super and offer a bit of token honey to the neighbours. Interestingly, from the taste...
  2. Gardenbees

    Fact: bees can read newspapers!

    (for those who are having a rainy day...) not worthyjust found some old Miniscule animations on YouTube - they are so perfect! Their portrayal of insects is adorable, but with very lifelike behaviour (well, mostly!). Also, there's a rather nice hive...
  3. Gardenbees

    Using queen excluders

    This year I will be leaving queen excluders off all year except possibly for queen breeding/splits manipulations. I have sometimes used them in the past (except over winter) in the fond assumption that they might make life easier, but really can't be doing with them any more. My main reasons...
  4. Gardenbees

    Hot buttered rum

    Grate some nutmeg into a toddy glass or mug, sprinkle some ground cinnamon, and dump about a level teaspoonful of unsalted butter onto it. Add a spoonful of dark honey and a good slosh of rum - Morgan's Spiced if you like the vanilla flavour, a darker rum if you prefer a more "burnt sugar"...
  5. Gardenbees

    Stores running out

    It looks as though the bumper winter has caught up with my bees already: I hefted the hives last weekend and they were about what I would expect (still fairly heavy). But this morning they were both egg-box light. I put a pack of fondant on each one and peered through the transparent...
  6. Gardenbees

    OA treatment revealed some very full hives...

    I wasn't happy with the varroa situation this autumn - despite their usual treatment, in good weather, there was still a small mite count afterwards. So, for the first time at this apiary I decided to do an oxalic acid treatment as well. I'm not generally keen, but don't want the bees to have...
  7. Gardenbees

    Food I used to hate as a kid....

    .... but now love! I just went to Stroud's AMAZING farmer's market and stocked up on all sorts of yummy locally-grown goodies, then came home and harvested veggies from the garden to make a casserole. It was only when I was cutting up the broccoli that I remembered how much I hated this stuff...
  8. Gardenbees

    Useful counter to the "honeybees are going extinct we're all DOOMED I tell's ya!" argument

    Apologies for the ungainly title, but I'm probably not alone in hearing this every time I mention keeping bees. I get tired of saying "well.... actually honey bees are not all about to croak it overnight and leave us all to starve... but you might like to think about what's happening to wild...
  9. Gardenbees

    Sizzling autumn...

    Did I just imagine seeing 26C forecast for Gloucestershire at the end of next week?! Is it me or is that hotter than it's been for most of summer?* I suppose the last few virgin queens from supercedures etc. that are flying around looking for mates, will benefit. Assuming there's any drones...
  10. Gardenbees

    One day after uniting two hives

    I united two hives over the weekend - putting a smallish but good colony with a 2011 queen over a medium-strong colony which had a 2009 queen. The Q+ box (the top one) is a 14x12 bb, the older one below is a BS box which I want to empty. I united them in the traditional way with a sheet of...
  11. Gardenbees

    Median wasps and other stripey newcomers

    I found some median wasps feeding on cotoneaster nectar! They're quite a bit bigger than common or German wasps, but not quite as big as hornets. They are variable, but often have a lot of black, with just thin yellow stripes. They also have a yellow "7" shape on their shoulder. They aren't...
  12. Gardenbees

    Heartwarming sight!

    I thought I'd share a nice experience to encourage all those who are flagging whilst waiting for their bees to sort themselves out, queens to get mated etc. After a very mixed start to the year, I had the pleasure this afternoon of putting a bustling, heavy, 6-frame nuc into a new broodbox...
  13. Gardenbees

    Drone laying queen

    Well, my two very early-mated queens now have their first lot of brood hatching, and it's a 50% success so far: one clearly didn't mate well at all, whilst the other appears fine. :mad::)The nuc with the good queen had a good pattern of eggs and brood, and now has big slabs of brood at various...
  14. Gardenbees

    Swarms can be deceptive!

    I recently hived a big swarm which had settled on my neighbour's shed. It didn't look much from the side - but the visible ones were the (inverted) tip of the iceberg! They were all tucked up underneath the eaves. I decided to hive them that evening rather than risk them legging it the next...
  15. Gardenbees

    bee sting remedy from a beekeeper's best friend...

    :oSlushy, indulgent post warning, but still true: I've changed my avatar in honour of Tia, after discovering that her friendly lick seems to have completely stopped the bee sting on my arm from itching! I don't normally put anything on stings except sometimes ice. I've heard of a lot of...
  16. Gardenbees

    Queen trapping for varroa control

    FERA have a leaflet out about queen trapping for controlling varroa: Basically you enclose successive brood combs in a queen excluder barrier, and leave the queen in there (confined to one comb) for 8 days; on the 9th day...
  17. Gardenbees

    Winter pollen

    No sign of my honeybees collecting pollen just yet, but I spotted a queen bumblebee collecting winter aconite pollen today, despite the very recent hard frost. When I last kept bees (ages ago) they used to really struggle in spring sometimes, and often needed quite a bit of extra food once they...