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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Xander

    Volume of bees for a sugar roll

    Good morning, what volume of bees should I use for a sugar roll and at what count of mites should I then treat the hive?
  2. Xander

    Best way to re-queen "Hot" hive?

    I caught a prime swarm a couple of months ago and they're good productive bees however they've become quite aggressive. I moved them last week to my out apiary so they wouldn't bother anybody but they're a beggar to work with come inspection time. I know I need to re-queen but how, I don't want...
  3. Xander

    How long do varroa live

    Good morning, I have a couple of drawn frames from a colony I shook out a few weeks ago due to them being laying workers and no queen. The frames have capped drone brood in them which is obviously dead but I'm wondering if it's ok to use these frames in a nuc to build up a split or should I...
  4. Xander

    Split or demaree

    Good afternoon, I received an overwintered 6 frame nuc at the end of April and hived them straight away. On Inspection yesterday they have 8 frames of brood and the 2 outer frames filling with stores. I'm afraid they're running out of space. I put a super on a couple of weeks ago in the hopes...
  5. Xander

    Feed after moving a hive?

    Good afternoon, a quick question. I want to move a hive containing a swarm I caught this year The colony is strong and productive but a little bit on the aggressive side (the odd guard bee out to 10m following people) I'm going to give the queen a chance as they've only been in for 19 days, if...
  6. Xander

    Demaree hatched? QCs in upper box

    Good afternoon, I have a colony set up as a Demaree with 2 supers between and another on top. I inspected and moved a frame of mostly sealed worker brood up from the bottom box. I checked back after 7 days to find what looked like 5 hatched QCs (impossible I know) and one capped with a larva in...
  7. Xander

    Prime swarm

    I caught a prime swarm 11 days ago and did my first inspection yesterday. The hive is doing exceptionally well and has drawn out nearly the whole brood box from starter strips and foundation frames 50:50. The queen is laying well eggs and larvae covering 5 frames (of 10 langstroth). My question...
  8. Xander

    Where to shake out laying workers

    Good morning all, I have a small colony in a hive which was a split from earlier this year. They are in my out apiary and on inspection yesterday I found laying workers and no queen. Also up there I have a nuc which has had a large swarm move in during the last week adjacent to the LW hive. My...
  9. Xander

    Scout bees or swarm moved in?

    Good morning, on checking one of my bait hives there seem to be bees coming and going. Is it occupied or are they just scout bees? I don't want to move it prematurely.
  10. Xander

    Marking the queen

    Hello, I've just been into my hives to do the weekly inspection and managed to spot the queen on a brood frame. I had a push in cage handy so I managed to trap her and another four or five bees too. I used a queen marking paint pen but when I went to get it onto her thorax more than expected...
  11. Xander

    Queen trap swarm prevention

    Good morning, has anyone tried this: Y ?
  12. Xander

    Is it too early to do a bailey comb change?

    Hi all, it's been an interesting winter and I've managed to get my main hive and nuc through winter so far 🤞. The weather is improving by day temperature wise and my colony is building nicely. I wish to perform a bailey comb change as the main hive is on dirty almost black comb so long overdue...
  13. Xander

    Huge drones or multiple queens

    Hi all, at the risk of sounding like a complete numpty when I did my oa vape on Tue I was observing the colony through the clear crownboard. I saw a large, long bee 2 times the length of the workers and 1.5 the diameter and thought ah there's Queenie, shes lost her paint but it happens.... Then...
  14. Xander

    What temp is too cold to open the hive

    I was late getting my APIvar treatment into the hive and it's now due to be removed. With it being 0°C outside I'm guessing it's too cold to open the hive quickly and retrieve the strip? What temperature is it safe to open up as I don't want a load of flying bees to come out and die instantly...
  15. Xander

    Colony for Sale Beware of scams

    I have recently answed an advertisement for a colony. The seller doesn't want me to go to them but she wants me to send her the money and she "will send via freight". I have contacted others on the forum and there was something fishy so they didn't send any money either. Just please everyone be...
  16. Xander

    Is it too late for supersedure

    Good morning, I am new to beekeeping and only got my first colony (established in a hive) last month. I have done 3 weekly inspections since I obtained them. Last week I found a couple of queen cups then yesterday I also found what looked like a swarm cell but in a hole in the middle of the...