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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    Swarm Catcher??

    Clearing out my late father-in-law’s shed most of his WBC hives were past salvation but QE, feeders and other bits could be salvaged. Among them were 2 of the pictured items….Am I correct in assuming that this is a swarm control device? It looks like that if it was positioned at the hive...
  2. R

    Strange noise in hive.

    Any ideas....and should I worry. There is a continuous sound coming from my hive, difficult to explain but it sounds like rain falling on tin or glass..even like lots of beetles hitting something. Its too cold now to open and inspect.
  3. R

    Queen-less swarm

    Caught a swarm the other week and all is fine with them, the queen is producing brood…….Now my concern, I caught a another swarm the other day all stayed-put in hive but now cannot see a queen or any evidence of her, except that I presume that she was there and left her 'scent' as swarm happy to...
  4. R

    First Sting!!

    After having my bees for almost a year and captured one swarm, I have at last received my first sting. I had checked the swarm in their new hive and then my original colony with no problem at all, but when I went to unlock my shed to put my bee kit away I didn't notice one of my ladies on the...
  5. R

    Caught my fist swarm

    Found a swarm today, in our field on a hedge, managed to collect most of them. They are now in a hive and so far not decided to wander off. How long before I can assume that they are here to stay?
  6. R

    Brood, Super, or leave well alone?

    My National hive and bees survived first winter. Weather was good here yesterday so had a quick but good look at bees. Not only did they survive the winter, but seem to have done so well. They were struggling with robbing and I feared that they would start this year fairly weak. Queen Bess look...
  7. R

    MOULDY roof

    Hi all, being a newbeeee I get somewhat concerned each time I stumble across what I think is a problem. When I lifted the roof (National Hive) yesterday I noticed that inside the roof was covered with a dusting of mould. I have a closed cover board, the vents in the roof are not blocked, and the...
  8. R

    Another new beekeeper

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum and yes I'm new to beekeeping. I spent the last 14 months reading and enquiring about beekeeping and now I've taken the plunge. I've got the hive, well a flat pack so I'm building it now, and ordered the bee from Exmoor. We have a smallholding here in North...