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  1. plain_hunt

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I think my bees got it wrong! I went in yesterday as I knew I’d got a colony on the brink of swarming, and they had swarm cells in, so I split them. They usually wait until there’s going to be a warm and dry spell - but according to the forecast here it’s meant to be showers and cool for the...
  2. plain_hunt

    Dealing with old comb

    Most of the dross stays on/in the frame, and the wax seems to run well into the container. Comes out clean, but can have honey in the bottom. Depending on how long it takes me to remove it, it can still be called bakers honey, other times it’s turned itself into tablet! The dross that does end...
  3. plain_hunt

    Dealing with old comb

    I altered mine, put an eke on it, and now hang the frames and it takes 2 boxes of frames. Works really well when we’ve got sunshine……
  4. plain_hunt

    Dealing with old comb

    I hope she never sees this!
  5. plain_hunt

    Timing of first inspection

    I went through all my colonies yesterday, it was 15d, with very little breeze. I did a disease inspection, checked for queens and laying, stores, and marked a queen. It all depends on where you are and what the conditions are like. I have a sheltered south facing apiary, I usually, and did this...
  6. plain_hunt

    Did I do the right thing?

    I’ve got a colony like this, which I put a QE and a super on a week ago when I did a full inspection, which has drones in it. I am fully expecting this to be in swarm mode by the time the weather is warm enough for me to look in again. I think you did the right thing. I’d keep a look out for...
  7. plain_hunt

    Pollen charts

    How would you stop the pollen colour from fading? And store it so it wasn’t affected by mites? It sounds a good idea, and I’ll join in if you start it. So far, I use Dorothy Hodges colour chart.
  8. plain_hunt

    Digital microscopes / one with LCD screen

    I bought one of these, or certainly very similar (can’t be bothered to check the numbers!), and it’s very good...
  9. plain_hunt

    Queen Wasps?

    I try and leave them undisturbed, they do quite a lot of good during the year - until they start to rob my bees of honey!
  10. plain_hunt

    Beekeeping Film - a must (NOT?) Watch?

    I do hope you don’t use a mesh suit…..?
  11. plain_hunt


    I've just put into google Alexa tracking conversations into adverts, the first thing that came up -
  12. plain_hunt


    We’re meant to have smart meters, but they’ve stopped being smart, apparently they will be fixed sometime. In the meantime I still have to send I. Readings every month. I will not have an Alexa. And I don’t have a smart tv either.
  13. plain_hunt

    Honey on 'country'file

    They (Countryfile) had a script to stick to. I know Lynne wanted them to taste the difference between her honey and supermarket honey. They were very careful not to name anyone or any honey as being adulterated. Shame they only mentioned sugar syrups as possible adulterates.
  14. plain_hunt

    Double-check my reasoning

    That's the best reason I've heard for covering up the crownboard holes.