Recent content by Paul_The _Swede

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  1. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    Thank you. I found cedar to be a bit too expensive. Bought Scandinavian redwood (pine I think).
  2. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    I couldn't find wood that actually was 25 mm – found out that what was named 25 mm was actually 22 mm when planed. But I put roofing felt on the hives over Winter, so hopefully that add some insulation and more importantly keep the hives dry.
  3. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    Thanks. Yes, I just managed to get a Hessian sack and will use that on both hives the coming Winter. The roofs has a 22 mm Celtex insulation on the inside, and I also put a piece of Celtex over the crown board. In the eke I will put some fondant for them in case they need it late Winter, placed...
  4. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    Not really, but thanks. The joy is to see that the bees like it.
  5. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    Thanks Steve – much appreciated.
  6. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    Yes, when (if) you come to have 4-5 boxes in height Emile Warré suggest to put a post behind the hives to avoid them toppling over. I think I can do that if it comes to it.
  7. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    Hello Ian, not really – as I understand it one of the central ideas of Emile Warré was to better imitate the shape of a hollow three, plus achieve the ideal volume for bees to overwinter. Two boxes of the size he recommended is approx 40 litres. I now have two Warré hives and two 14x12 Nationals...
  8. Paul_The _Swede

    Modified Warré hive

    Hello, I'm a relatively new beekeeper and started with standard size British National Hives, but converted them recently to 14x12 extra deep brood boxes. But what I really like is my two Warré hives, the latest built this Winter and now populated with a new swarm created from a split. I have...
  9. Paul_The _Swede

    Hello from East Sussex, England

    I've heard good things about "The Buzz about Bees". It's on my "I want to read" list.
  10. Paul_The _Swede

    Hello from East Sussex, England

    Hello fellow beekeepers. I'm on my 4th year in beekeeping, and love it. I think I got my interest in beekeeping from my mother's uncle, who kept some 10-12 colonies on his farm in S Sweden. We often visited and always got a jar or two with as a parting gift. I thought I would get bees when I...
  11. Paul_The _Swede

    Do you keep bees the "Darwinian" way?

    In a way I do something very similar. Me and my wife are not into beekeeping to get a lot of honey out of the bees, but rather try and help them "survive". And we don't sell any honey, only give away some odd jars now and then to family and friends. And I love the books and lectures by Tom...