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  1. HoopersHouse

    swarm Prevention

    I agree. I was just answering possibly why it was suggested in the original question. Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
  2. HoopersHouse

    All the gear but no idea!

    :welcome: Welcome Troutmill
  3. HoopersHouse

    swarm Prevention

    Perhaps thinking that by feeding syrup will get the foundation drawn ? Not a good idea though as you said, don't want to end up with sugar in your honey. Other options: Make a split or add another brood box.
  4. HoopersHouse

    Cover Board

    Just being LIGHT HEARTED ;)
  5. HoopersHouse

    Cover Board

    I normally keep a thin piece of wood over the feeder holes on the crownboards when not feeding. I assumed as the bees kept gluing my little covers down, they preferred them shut. I'll be buying some crownboards without holes in this year to please them. Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
  6. HoopersHouse


    Ok, thanks for your replies. Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
  7. HoopersHouse


    Hi all I've just ordered a bottle of Nozevit+ to use as a preventative measure against nosema. From what I understand, you can't confirm nosema from inspections so surely it's a good idea to take precautions not to get it in the first place?? I'm interested to find out if anyone else is using...
  8. HoopersHouse

    Little mongrels!

    I can sympathise !!! Took the last of my honey off yesterday & the buggers stung me through my beesuit!!! Then I had to do 2 laps of the garden with them pinging against my head to get rid of them. Definitely requeening in the spring & I shan't feel at all guilty about dealing with the...
  9. HoopersHouse

    Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

    The phacelia was the attraction in our garden, wasn't just the honey bees that were going mad for it - there was a humming party going on.
  10. HoopersHouse

    Pond life

    Nope, it's an actual white bath tub and the contents is usually more on the brownish side :icon_204-2:
  11. HoopersHouse

    Pond life

    Like the books tell you, I constructed a watering station consisting of a large bucket with rocks in it but I've never seen a bee in it. Instead I see them lined up around the edge of our duck tub which is a bath sunk into the ground....they must prefer the flavour!
  12. HoopersHouse

    Badly stung today

    Thanks Beefriendly, that all makes perfect sense. I definitely have mongrels then :rolleyes:
  13. HoopersHouse

    Badly stung today

    Thanks everyone This really has been a huge learning curve. I should also learn to ask more questions too rather than just downing tools!! Sooooo not used to forums....promise I'll get better. Blimey Denise, that must have made your eyes water!!! I started off in 2016 with a buckfast...
  14. HoopersHouse

    Bees & Equipment for Sale - Kent

    Been too hasty After much dithering, lots of thought & all the helpful people on this site - to who I thank, I've decided not to give up on beekeeping just yet. So bees & equipment NOT for sale now. Sorry, I don't know how to edit the 'for sale' post - if anyone is able, please feel free. Eileen
  15. HoopersHouse

    Badly stung today

    Giving up.....maybe not! Well I've been dithering about it for days.... Reading all the comments, support, advice & photos and with huge thanks to one person in particular (you know who you are) who took the time to send me a private message, talked through all my concerns with me and gave me...