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    • J
      Jimmy reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Queens with Like Like.
      After the untimely death of legend ( well locally, anyway) beekeeper Ricky Wilson his son Rob has carried on and has queens to sell this...
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      Jimmy reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread How much stores should be left? with Like Like.
      General minimum for a National hive in season is two DN frames, about 5kg, which is said to be sufficient for a colony for one week...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Beekeeping day courses with Like Like.
      Why? And this isn't OTT? especially if the administrator hasn't a clue about first aid.
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Beekeeping day courses with Like Like.
      These are on script only. You can’t just have one in your bee box.
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to Garry R's post in the thread Pot-shot ID, please with Like Like.
      A few yeats ago I had some idiot who decided that they would use a hive of mine for target practice with an airgun. I found about half...
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread Wax and syrup.
      I'd hold onto any frames of stores for a few weeks at least. It might be spring like for a few days now but if it turns wet and cool a...
    • J
      Matt Ridley's article was interesting IMHO, banning one class of pesticide in the hope of limiting pesticide use is not a black and...
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      Gene editing to develop a virus yellow resistant sugar beet might make a difference. Gene editing of commercial crops is only possible...
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      Jimmy reacted to Wilco's post in the thread Inspection cards with Like Like.
      That does have honey harvested (vertical strip on the right). Main issue is it only tells you what you found on the last inspection, it...
    • J
      This popped up on my Instagram, an inspection record that goes on the hive rather than a piece of paper under the roof or a phone app. I...
      • IMG_9371.jpg
      • IMG_9371.jpg
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to Garry R's post in the thread Questions about poly hives with Like Like.
      I believe that some suppliers do have poly repair kits but not sure what they are. I had one hive which did have an attack along an...
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread Raw honey.
      A lot of hope being invested in the judge using the word 'may' in the remark ' may be that clearer guidance or regulation would...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Raw honey with Like Like.
      doesn't really matter what the one judge in a single tribunal said - it's still not a test case. IMO 'raw' is a ridiculous term clung on...
    • J
      Jimmy reacted to warsaw_hive's post in the thread Raw honey with Like Like.
      The FT also have an article . If it won't let you read it without a...
    • J
      Jimmy replied to the thread Raw honey.
      For non-subscribers, attached is a PDF version of the FT article. It's quite a detailed article, well worth a read. The Guardian article...
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